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Psoriasis normally affects areas in between fingers,elbows,backs of knees and is a white scaley itchy rash.Ezcema is a red,raised lesion that spreads the more you scratch it.It can become weepy but usually has dry flakey appearance.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Eczema is a skin condition (in this case on the scalp) in which the cells over produce themselves and start to overlap in flakes and appear to be dandruff. But aside from eczema dandruff if just merely dry skin and is an extremely more mild form of other related conditions.

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7y ago

Both eczema and psoriasis are types of dermatitis, which simply means "inflammation of the skin." Most types of dermatitis result in inflamed, red skin that is often itchy and may develop into lesions.

Eczema can include crusty sores, scabs, thickened skin, pimple-like eruptions, and sometimes even lesions. The skin can be either oozing or crusty and easily becomes infected. Eczema is considered more of a symptom than an actual disease, and is best treated by dealing with the underlying cause.

Psoriasis produces reddish lesions with a characteristic silvery scaling that flakes off, causing the skin underneath to bleed. These scales are actually excess skin generated when certain substances in the body that are responsible for directing skin cell growth go out of control and make the cells grow too quickly-sometimes 1,000 times faster than the normal rate of growth. Psoriasis can be controlled by prescription drugs, but these are hard on the liver and therefore must be carefully administered, especially considering that impaired liver function is thought to contribute to psoriasis.

The exact cause of these skin conditions is often difficult to determine. We do know that you are more prone to get them if you have thin, dry skin. According to researchers, dermatitis is often caused by Allergies and sensitivities to particular foods. Eliminating the foods most likely to cause allergies often decreases eczema.

Most people with eczema test positive to some type of allergy, have elevated levels of antibodies in their blood (a sign of an allergic reaction) and often do not have enough stomach acid, a common cause of food sensitivities. Secondary skin infections, which often occur with eczema, may need to be treated separately.

People with psoriasis usually have high levels of polyamine, an undesirable, toxic type of amino acid that is formed during poor protein digestion, another cause of food sensitivities. A natural way to treat psoriasis is by exposure to direct sunlight and heat.

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13y ago
In some languages, dermatitis and "eczema" are synonymous, while in other languages "dermatitis" implies an acute condition and "eczema" a chronic one

Nummular Eczema can become dermatitis.
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12y ago

Psoriasis is worse as eczema tends to only occur at certain times of year in most people, but psoriasis is pretty much always there.

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9y ago

Eczema is a general term for a manifestation of dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is one very common cause of eczema.

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The scientific name for eczema is atopic dermatitis.

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The spelling of the skin problem is "eczema" (atopic dermatitis) in all forms of English.

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The hot, itchy, rash knots behind ears, knees and elbows are inflammations of the skin. It is also known as eczema or atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema.

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About one in ten babies develop a form of atopic dermatitis called infantile eczema. Characterized by skin that oozes and becomes encrusted, infantile eczema most often occurs on the face and scalp

What are the types of atopic dermatitis?

Atopic is a term used to describe people who have a tendancy to contract or suffer with a group of specific health conditions - like eczema, asthma and hay fever. These people are also more liely to have problems with food intolerances or allergies as well.

What are the main eczema symptoms according to health professionals?

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a skin disease. The principal symptoms of eczema are discolored patches of skin (often red) and itchiness. The affected areas may also leak fluid when scratched, and their irritation sometimes increases at night.

What are the tiny bumps that come up on your hands and fingers don't hurt unless apply pressure like trying to open a jar or bottle seems to last about a week?

You could have an allergy to something around the home, or something outside your home that could cause your skin to have an inflammation.There is also a possibility that it could be a type of dermatitis such as Eczema Dermatitis (Eczema,) also known as Atopic Dermatitis. I highly recommend that you see your doctor.

Atopic Eczema: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment?

Atopic eczema is a condition that occurs when a hypersensitivity allergic reaction develops in the skin. Swelling and redness are some of the symptoms that may accompany this condition. Atopic eczema most commonly affects infants who are between the ages of two and six months. Most people outgrow this condition by their early 20s.What causes atopic eczema?Health experts have not been able to identify the exact cause of atopic eczema. However, they have found that dry skin, colds, flu and contact with skin irritants can worsen this condition. Experts have also found that atopic eczema is more common in people who have asthma or allergies.How can atopic eczema be treated?A corticosteroid cream is usually the first line of treatment that is prescribed by a doctor. These creams work by alleviating the itching and inflammation. A doctor may also recommend an oral antihistamine. Antihistamines help treat allergies, which are one of the causes of atopic eczema.Because certain irritants in soaps and shampoos can trigger this condition, it is very important for people to be cautious about the products that they are using. Gentle shampoos and cleansers are great alternatives to traditional soap and shampoo.What happens if atopic eczema is left untreated?People who have untreated atopic eczema will be more prone to developing fungal, bacterial and viral infections on their skin. They may also suffer permanent scarring due to the constant scratching.What are some things that can be done to prevent atopic eczema?Currently, there is no surefire way to prevent atopic eczema. There has been evidence to suggest that children who are breastfed until they are four months old are less likely to develop this condition. If a child is not breastfed, doctors recommend using a partially hydrolyzed formula. This formula contains a cow protein that has been shown to reduce the risk of eczema.

What is the medical term for a condition is a form of dermatitis that is usually associated with severe itching redness blistering and oozing?

The medical term for this condition is "eczema," also known as atopic dermatitis. It is a common skin condition characterized by inflammation, itching, redness, and sometimes oozing and blistering of the skin. Treatment typically involves moisturizing the skin, avoiding triggers, and using medications to reduce inflammation and itching.

Which medical conditions does Kampo medicine treat?

Eczema, atopic dermatitis, gynecological problems, allergies, arthritis, hepatitis, diabetic retinopathy, asthma, endometrial cancer, collagen disease, bedwetting, colds, nausea, high cholesterol levels.