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Emotional labour is when a service agent displayes feelings that they would not normally feel in a certain situation. An example would be an air stewardess being polite to a customer even when he was being rude and chauvanistic towards her.

Emotional work even though it is the display of emotions that one does not feel, is different. An example of emotional work would be telling your granny you liked the present she got you for Christmas even though you dont.

They differ in three areas: the profit motive, the unequal relationship and the control of feelings.

1. Profit motive - in emotional labour the profit goes to the airline company. In emotional work the profit goes to you as you feel better about what you have done.

2. Unequal relationship - you have a much more equal relationship with your granny than the stewardess does with the customer - why? Because you are choosing to display the feelings you are, the air stewardess has to continue to, no matter what the customer does.

3. Control of feelings - the airline control your feelings and you do not in the first ex. In the second, you do.

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