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13y ago

Evaporation is a heat transfer process and it's driving force is temperature gradient.

Distillation is a mass transfer process and it's driving force is

concentration gradient

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Q: What is the difference between evaporation and distillation?
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What is the differentiate distillation from evaporation?

The difference between evaporation and distillation is evaporation is a function of nature and distillation is a process whether it be to separate a liquid or purify it

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Crystallization -may be defined as a process which separates a pure solid in the from of its crystals from a solution. Evaporation - Process of separating any substance from its solution by removing water is called evaporation.

Differences between evaporation and distillation?

evaporation: change of state from and liquid to gas. distillation: method of separating a solution to its own components that involves boiling and condensation

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During distillation, the condensation soon turned to evaporation.

What does distillation require?

Evaporation & Condensation process involve in distillation.

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Distillation is faster than evaporation.

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The key difference between fractional and simple distillation is that fractional distillation is used when the components in the mixture have closer boiling points, while simple distillation is used when the components in the mixture have a large difference in their boiling points

How do you separate a solution?

Two ways are evaporation and distillation.

Which one can be used to separate lead nitrate from water evaporation or distillation?

Distillation is a form of evaporation, so either will be fine.

What does evaporation have in common to fractional distillation?

During distillation liquids are evaporated.

What are the similarities and differences between evaporation and distillation?

They are both methods which use heat to separate mixtures.

Difference between simple distillation and vacuum distillation?

In Chemical Engineering there is a thin line between EVAPORATION and DISTILLATION. The principle is the same, that is , taking advantage of difference in volatility DISTILLATION It is a Liquid-Liquid separation The more volatile component is the product which is then cooed and collected as distillate. It usually involve more equipment than evaporation. It is a Multi-component separation EVAPORATION Solid-Liquid separation (thus its major industrial application) and the product is the less or non-volatile component Liquid-Liquid separation (with very limited economic industrial application) and the product is the more volatile component It is a two component separation