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The difference between fast and slow neutrons is in the amount of energy they possess. Fast neutrons tend to "blow through" the nucleus of some isotopes. This causes a disruption but, because they don't stay around, the nucleus restabilizes. Slow, or thermal, neutrons, however, may get absorbed by the same nucleus, which then destabilizes, causing fission.

It should be pointed out that nuclei of different isotopes are affected differently by neutrons. 238U is caused to divide more frequently by a faster neutron, while 235U is caused to divide more frequently by thermal (slower) neutrons, and 233U is caused to divide more or less equally by any.

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1w ago

Fast neutrons have higher kinetic energy and move at higher speeds, making them more likely to cause fission reactions in nuclear reactors. Slow neutrons have lower kinetic energy and are more efficient at causing fission in certain types of nuclear fuel, such as uranium-235. The distinction between fast and slow neutrons is important in nuclear reactions and reactor design.

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