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If you beat your fish, it dies.

(it's a joke, for those who didn't get it originally)

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Q: What is the difference between fish and meat?
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What is the difference in composition between meat fish and chicken?

Fish you get buy Fishing meat you get by hunting and I think chicken is a meat

Difference between meat and fish?

There is a big difference in meat and fist. Meat is obtained from goat, sheep and cow and is white in color. On the other hand fish meat is white in color.

What is the difference between fish meat and poultry?

Fish comes from the water Poultry, commonly known as chicken or turkey, are birds. Meat, commonly considered anything other than poultry and fish, are mammals.

Difference between steak and meat?

Steak is a type of meat, it comes from a cow. There are many other types of meat just to name a few there is chiken and lamb. Steak is a cut of meat or fish. Meat is the flesh of an animal or plant.

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The biggest difference is that rats usually eat meat as well as fruits and veggies, while most fish eat plants and algae. Fish must also digest while swimming.

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White stew is generally fish, whereas brown stew is mostly made up of red meat and such.

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the taste, look, feel and material

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Meat is a sub category of food.

What is the difference between round fish and flat fish?

one is normel and one is flat

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