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Hazard is when something can lead to a crisis or something bad, but has not yet happened. (you might come across signs saying beware, hazardous site).

Disaster is when something bad has happened and is just a word that we use to describe the after effect of whatever took place.

Some peoples 'disasters' can be as minor as having a bad hair day to something like the world is going to end!!!!!

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A hazard is a risk or danger; it means that there is a possibility that something bad will happen, someone will be injured or killed, or something will be damaged. A disaster is a very unfortunate or harmful event. So, a hazard can lead to a disaster. We try to avoid hazards so that disasters will not happen.

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Q: What is the difference between hazard and disaster?
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What is a difference between a hazard and a disaster?

A hazard is a dangerous place or situation (that hasn't taken place), eg, live electric wires on a power pole. A natural disaster is a catastrophe that occurs as a result of nature, eg, tsunamis, earthquakes and bush fires.

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Risk is the probability that a hazard will turn into a disaster. risks can be reduced or managed. Challenge is a call to engage in a contest.

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A hazard may be dangerous. An acute hazard is very dangerous.

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How does hazard become a disaster?

A hazard becomes a disaster when human life, property and environment has come to harm.

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A natural disaster is the consequence when a natural hazard affects humans whereas a nuclear hazard is the outcome of inproper use of neclear energy. A natural disaster is natural and neclear is man-made.

How does a hazard led to a disaster?

A hazard is a warning to people(s) that by doing something to a object it could cause a disaster. Eg. a hazard warning on a door. by going in you could get radiation poisoning, leading to a disaster. or if there is a hazard warning for a area and it then escalates causing a disaster ( winds pick up and turn into a twister).

What is the difference between disaster management and emergency management?

emergency may lead to disaster

When does a hazard becomes a disaster explain with example?

A hazard becomes a disaster when the hazard becomes spread out over a large area. For example, the Chernobyl disaster started as a small hazard which became something that could not be controled. Eventually the plant exploded and created the worst nuclear disaster in history. The land will not be habitable for centuries.

What causes a hazard to become a disaster?

The reason a hazard becomes a disaster is because the hazard is ignored. Most disasters can be avoided if care is taken to correct minor situations.

What is the difference between hazard and problem?

its a problem when you loose your shoe. its a hazard to ride your bike in the street.