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There are two types of incised meanders; ingrown and entrenched.

An incised meander is at the bottom of a steep sided valley. It occurs because of rejuvenation (where the land rises) which causes extra gravitational potential. Therefore the river cuts down into the ground making it deeper

There are two different types...

Ingrown Meander:

This had an a-symmetrical cross section; where one side of the valley is steep yet the other side is more gentle and sloped. This is because the land has risen slowly and so the river the river has chance to cut laterally as well as vertically (so it is wide as well as steep).

Entrenched Meander:

This has a symmetrical cross section; where both sides of the valley are steep. This is because the land has risen more quickly and so the down-cutting motion dominates any lateral erosion. The valley just gets deeper and deeper.

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A meander in general is a bend in a sinuous watercourse

What does river meander mean?

A meander is a bend or such like in a river

What is a sentence with the word meander?

(Meander means to follow a tortuous and winding course, named for the River Meander which did just that. )Examples :He was known to meander on foot through the streets of the old city.I suggested we meander along the path then stop and have a coffee somewhere.As the professor got older, he tended to meander through his lectures.

What are some Examples of a meander?

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