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Q: What is the difference between jungle's tiger and zoo's tiger?
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How do zoos help the tiger?

Though zoos tend to confine animals, they also help. A tiger may be kept safe from hunters in a zoo.

What is the difference of a white tiger and a white Siberian tiger?

White Siberian tigers do not exist. The only white tigers are Bengal tigers and they just a genetic mutation and are only found in zoos.

What zoos can you find a white tiger in?

i think some zoos in Africa or something like that

How are zoos in favor of animals?

A Tiger .... RAAWWWRRR :;)

How do white tiger lives?

in zoos mainlys and in africa

Where in US can you feed tiger cub and play with it?

In some zoos that you can check in google by typing zoos' in the U.S.

Are there more cheetahs in the zoo than the jungle?

yes because they take the cheetahs from the jungle. )-:

Do tiger live in zoos?

'cos people lock them up

Have tigers been seen at zoos?

Of course tigers have been seen at zoos. They are one of the star attractions

What cities do tiger live in?

Tigers don't usually live in cities, except in zoos. Interesting fact: The city of Oslo, Norway is called the "Tiger City" after a poem about a fight between a horse and a tiger... the horse symbolic of the safe country, and the tiger the dangerous city.