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what is the difference between lukemia and hypochromasia

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Q: What is the difference between leukemia and hypochromasia?
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What is the difference between leukemia and leukemoid reaction?

Leukemia is blood cancer.

What is the difference between the different types of leukemia especially what makes hairy cell leukemia different from others?

There are many different types of leukemia. Some are acute and some are more chronic. Hairy cell leukemia is one of the worst types. It matures faster than most.

What is the difference between leukemia and lukemia?

There are 2 ways of understanding this difference. 1) Firstly, one of the causes of leucocytosis could be leukemia. But there are several other less-severe causes of leucocytosis such as infection,hemorrhage, corticosteroid treatment etc. So, leukemia is one of the types of leucocytosis. 2) Secondly, leukemia is when large number of IMMATURE WBC's are in circulation. In leucocytosis, the WBC's are normal and mature. This is a very important point of difference.

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Sarcoma virus: contains 'oncogene' Leukaemia virus: Activate human protooncogene via LTR action

What different between leukemia and subleukaemic leukemiaa?

Leukemia subleukemic, leukemia (lkē`mēə), cancerous disorder of the ... type of RNA virus that, unlike other RNA viruses, reproduces by transcribing itself into DNA. ... discovered new links between leukemia cells and cells involved.

What are useful and harmful foods for someone who has leukemia cancer?

There is no known connection between any normal dietary and leukemia.

Whose fault is it when you have leukemia?

It is no one's fault when we contract any disease. cancers like Leukemia are not contagious and can;t be transmitted between people, Leukemia is caused by some breakdown in the Stem Cells and DNA that help our bodies make blood.

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wbc 1,7 hemoglobin 8,2 rbc 3,26 hypochromasia present microcytes present ovalocytes present few schistocytes

How do you get meningitis from leukemia?

How do u get meningitis from leukemia

What is AML leukemia?

Acute Myloid Leukemia

Is leukemia extinct?

LEUKEMIA IS NOT EXTINCT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many people have leukemia and many are also getting the disease!

Difference between leukemia and leukemoid reaction?

leukemoid reaction is exaggerated response to infection. leukemoid reaction is benign but its close resemblance to leukemia made it queit worrisome to doctors and needs to be investigated properly. Although qualified hematologist or oncologist usually consulted but generally in leukemoid reaction leukocyte alkaline phosphatase is elevated while its depressed in leukemia, peripheral blood smears show immature forms in leukemia not particularly in leukemoid reaction . By cytogenetics presence of philadelphia chromosome in chronic myelogenous leukemia differentiate it from leukemoid reaction in adults.