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Q: What is the difference between low and high pressure spray paint?
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What is the difference between high pressure low volume hplv and other paint sprayers?

High pressure will spray much faster and fill in a lot faster and for quicker tags and Low pressure is for designs And characters

What pressure does a hvlp paint gun need to spray at?

Between 30-40 lbs

What is the difference between a spray tan and airbrush tan?

One is made via a spray bottle and the other is airbrushed on. It's like spray paint vs airbrush.

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Does spray paint poison spiders?

I'd imagine it wouldn't do them any good. The pressure of the spray would probably kill them anyway

What is the difference between hairspray and finishing spray?

There is no difference.

How to paint car blinkers?

You can paint your car blinkers with spray paint. You can use any type of Marine spray paint. The spray paint should be water resistant.

How do you put spray paint in your hair?

Get the can of spray paint and point it towards your hair then spray. You don't put spray paint in your hair!!! The poisons can kill you!!!

What is the difference between powder coating and painting?

Powder coating is tougher than paint, but it still can chip like paint. You have to spray it on and then bake it at a high temp for it to cool. I believe you have to ground the part your spraying and it uses electricity.

What type of Krylon paint do you buy for Spray Paint art?

Gloss. You can use any type of spray paint for spray paint art, but be sure it is gloss.

How do you Spray paint good?

answer this question: how do you spray paint badly? then do the opposite. Of course, it depends what you are spray painting

How do you blend spray paint not car spray paint grafitti?

Uhm. You spray the colors you want to mix...