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The difference is thew lack of continual growth. A person with Marfan Reaches a normal height and they stop growing. A person with gigantism grows constantly due to a pituitary tumor which is not cancerous. The condition called Acromagaly is the cause of a tumor as well. The symptoms are enlarged facial feature, enlarged hands, the size of the feet increases.The bones get thicker and heavier, persistent headaches, moodiness, Back pain, knee pain, heavy sweating, oily skin, and heavy weight gain. Marfan patients have heart related issues but the life expectancy has doubled over the last 20 years. Marfan patents do not grow but can reach the height of 7 feet or better. I hope this helps.

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Q: What is the difference between marfan's syndrome and gigantism?
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Related questions

When can you get marfan syndrome?

Anyone can get Marfans syndrome, it is a genetic disorder.

Can marfans syndrome cause seizures?

I'm not a doctor...but my husband has marfans and TLE (temporal lobe epilepsy). I get the impression its not very common though.

Can you catch marfans syndrome from someone else?

No, it is a genetic disorder. You are born with it.

Did Joey Ramone have Marfans?

Yes, he suffered from Marfans syndrome. That's why his skin looked so "plastic". Joey also had a mental illness called OCD and his eyes were very bad. The Ramones tour manager Monte Melnick was Joey's personal assistant for many years. NO! There is no evidence that he was ever diagnosed with Marfans syndrome, and he did not suffer from the most important disability related to Marfans which is a very specific heart condition. He was a diagnosed schizophrenic and had severe OCD.

Is Marfan's symdrome a transmitted disease?

Marfan's syndrome is a genetic disorder, so one would inherit it from their biological parents. You can't "catch" marfans syndrome

Does Michael Phelps have Marfans Syndrome?

According to an August 2008 article Phelps does not have Marfans Syndrome. Tests cleared Phelps of Marfan syndrome at the time, but doctors have urged vigilance and the American star still undergoes annual check-ups for the disease.Here is a link to full article:

What is the IQ of a person suffering with marfan syndrome?

Marfan syndrome does not affect IQ. On the contrary, people with Marfan syndrome tend to have above average intelligence. A study found that the average IQ of people with Marfans is 109.3, significantly higher than other people.

How long has marfan syndrome been recognised?

Marfan syndrome has been around since Ernesto and Shampoo Money started dating. They had a child who had a child who had a child who had a cousin who had a cousin and that cousin had a child and the child had a friend who knew a guy who knew a guy that had marfans syndrome.

What medical disease did Abraham lincon have?

Theres been an ongoing debate on this issue. Most 'experts' believe he suffered from Marfans disease; he also is claimed to have had smallpox. Some believe he also had cancer. I doubt we will ever really know the truth.

What disease made Abraham Lincoln's face and hands messed up?

Abraham Lincoln did suffer from Marfan's Syndrome. I don't know that it messed up his face and hands, but it is possible because it does cause stretch marks on the face. Marfans, aside from being tall has a long list of health problems carried with it. He was probably in a lot of pain.

Is there a cure to marfan syndrome?

Met a family in a hospital waiting room with a family member with this disorder. I know very little:[ 1] Marfan syndrome is more commonly noted among a small subgroup of a certain type of exceptionally tall individuals.[2] It can "run in the family" so if it's in your family AND you are also exceptionally tall then you probably want to get yourself checked over by a special doctor that has had extra training about how to screen for Marfan syndrome as well as having had special training which focused on the latest research & additional knowledge about the specific way Marfan's syndrone affects people's body functions if they have it; [3] it is prudent to ask your own family doctor about Marfans syndrome first additionally then asking them about their own personal experience treating or diagnosing patients with this specific syndrome. (Some doctors may not be familiar with Marfans or only vaguely aware of what it is but unable to really provide specialized evaluation or treatment for it.) Best wishes.

What medical condition could someone that has congenital glaucoma septal defects hernia problems long finger long limbs a simian crease flat foot with bent toes and no mental retardation have?

I would look into EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). All those symptoms match. EDS is a connective tissue disorder. It can affect eyes, heart, muscles, and joints. Does any of your joints pop in and out? Or do you have pain in joints? I know when I got the dx of EDS my genetics doctor wanted to look at my feet for flatness and also looks at fingers and limbs. Or Marfans Syndrome would also be a good match.....hope that helps.....