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Burning a candle is the process in which the wick is burnt. The wax is there to make the wick burn slower in order to let the candle burn for longer. Melting wax is part of the process but not burning the candle itself.

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Q: What is the difference between melting of candle wax and burning of candle?
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Is it a physical change when a candle changes size by burning?

Yes, because the candle wax isn't actually burning, just melting

Why is a candle melting a chemical change?

Melting is accompanied by burning and thermal degradation - two chemical reactions.

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A scented candle has aromatic elements added for the desired scent effect. An unscented candle just emits the scent of burning wax.

How is a burning candle both physical and chemical changes?

because of the digestions system of the candle is visible

Is a wick necesarry in a burning candle?

Yes that is what burns the melting wax prolongs the burning time by slowly evaporating

What are the steps to prove that a burning of a candle is physical as well as a chemical change?

1. Melting of the candle is a physical change. 2. Burning and thermal decomposition are chemical changes.

What type of reaction occurs when a candle is burned?

There are 2; the melting of the candles wax is physical but the wick burning is chemical.

Is burning a candle a chemical change or a physical change give reason?

It is both a physical and chemical change. The burning of the wick s chemical while the candle melting being physical.

What part of a burning candle takes place and physical change?

The melting of the wax is a physical change. The burning the of wick is the chemical change