

What is the difference between oranges?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Telephone poles... because motorcycles don't have doors... :-D

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Nothing, really. Other than the size.

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Q: What is the difference between oranges?
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the difference is oranges are orange and pineapples are yellow.

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The same as the difference between huoses and oranges. Did you mean "macro" instead of "marco"?

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There are a few key differences between navel and Valencia oranges. Navel oranges are sweeter, and appear to have a navel on the outside. Valencia oranges are more bitter and come specifically from Valencia, Florida.

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no---your talking difference between apples and oranges

Your oranges are not turning orange on your tree?

This is either because of your variety of orange , or there is not a big enough difference in the temperature between day and night. It is this difference that promotes colour change.

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Tangerines are related to Mandarins, they are smaller than oranges and the peel comes off easily. Oranges are larger, as well as more tart and sweet than tangerines.

Can dogs tell the difference between carrots and oranges?

Yes, of course. Carrots are long and thin, oranges are round and plump. Very different objects. They may see them as the same colour, but they know the two are different.

What is the difference between apples and oranges?

the difference is and apple is a fruit that grows on a tree and a orange grows in a bush and they both taste differentExcuse me, but oranges do not grow on bushes they grow on trees too. the difference is taste as you said but there apperance is diffrent also they have diffrent seeds and orange grows from bushes and an apple grows on a tree

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Night and day. Apples and oranges. The skills aren't equivalent, transferable or related.

What is the difference between rate and ratio?

A ratio is the comparison between two numbers with the same unit. For example 3 oranges to two oranges. On the other hand, a rate is an indication of the measurements of different units per unit. For example, the statement 3 oranges/ person shows the relationship between the measurement of oranges per person.the rate of something is the amount or speed of it, whereas the ratio is the proportion of one thing to another, like for example if there was 15 sweets in a bag; 10 red and 5 blue, so the ratio of red sweets to blue would be 2 to 1. Kthanks.

What exactly is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

I think it is that a fruit has its seeds insidethe fruit like apples, water mellons and oranges, whereas vegitables don't.