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There isn't really a difference except that P-c therapy would be a strictly person centred session and the p-c approach could be any therapy that adopts the p-c approach such as the core conditions, the focus on the relationship, non directive etc. Integrative/ eclectic appraoches often adopt the p-c approach as a basis for building the relationship whilst using other techniques that are useful for the client.

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Q: What is the difference between person centred therapy and person centred approach?
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Client-centered therapy and person-centered therapy are two terms that are often used interchangeably to describe the same therapeutic approach developed by Carl Rogers. Both emphasize the importance of the client's autonomy, self-direction, and self-actualization in the therapeutic process. Therefore, there is no main difference between the two terms.

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What has the author Janet West written?

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What is the difference between therapy and diagnosis?

Therapy is a treatment approach that aims to help individuals improve their mental health and well-being through discussions and interventions with a trained therapist. Diagnosis, on the other hand, is the process of identifying a specific mental health condition based on symptoms and assessment tools. Therapy is typically used to address and manage diagnosed mental health conditions.

Where can I read more about nutrition therapy online?

Ultimately nutritional therapy is a personalized approach to nutrition between you and a nutritional therapist. However, websites such as can provide you with a good base for a personal nutrition plan.