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Q: What is the difference between psychological counseling and Christian counseling?
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Group counseling is for a specific group, where general is anybody that is there.

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unable to differentiate the difference between Business Consulting and counselling please assist

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There is no difference, Catholics are Christians, if you are asking about the difference between a particular protestant wedding and a Christian Catholic wedding, then you should ask that.

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Narcissism is a psychological disorder. S is a letter.

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Counseling psychologists focus on a wellness model and generally work with clients who have less severe mental illness.

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Mentoring is not counseling. It is guidance in the form of teaching and support provided by someone you trust, usually a teacher, a parent or relative, a supervisor, or a counselor.

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Support for learning problems can come from friends and family. Counseling for the same problem can come from someone certified to counsel.

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because u suck give me an answer and stop what you are doing

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It is a bench in a christian church.

What is the difference between being a christian and being a Muslim in the US?

As the difference between being belonging to the majority and to the minority. Refer to the related questions below.

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i love christian

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Southern Baptists are Christians.