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One way the ham is salty, the other it is not

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Q: What is the difference between putting salt on ham and not putting salt on ham?
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Where is the difference between Chelsea vs West Ham?

Chelsea and West Ham are football teams that are rivals with the main difference between the two being their strategies. West Ham has a more aggressive playstyle.

What is the difference between ham and pork?

Pork is the fresh meat you get from a pig, ham is pork which has been preserved with salt or a salt solution (brine) and then cooked, usually boiled or roasted.

How much salt is in ham?

According to CDC and FDA standards, the average ham has only 3 g of sodium. However, the actual amount of salt in ham depends on how the ham is prepared. Different methods result in different amounts of salt.

What food is representative of Virginia?

Ham-a Virginia ham is a salt cured ham. It is very good.

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hello cheeseburger oh hi ham!!

How did Cleopatra eat ham?

by putting it in her mouth

How much salt is in cooked ham?

0.2% or 0.2grams of salt

Is the salt in ham good for you?

It is not healthy for you. (Plus, salt is not healthy)

Is there anyway to cook the salt out of a ham?

Not without destroying the ham. You could place the ham in a fresh water bath prior to cooking to draw out the salt, but I don't know how effective this would be.

Difference between ham and beef burger?

One is made from pigs and the other from beef (cows or cattle).

Will soaking the ham in vinegar remove the salt?

It may but the ham will not taste good, better soak the ham in clean fresh water.

How is salt ham made?

well salt ham is usually made for people who travel in ships way back in 1600's . first you have to get some ham put it in the fridge with a little bit of salt. after every 2-3 hours add maybe 20g of salt each time. as you do this you must keep doing this for 9 weeks so good luck. after like 4 weeks stop adding salt and forget about it. so good luck with your long kept ham. PS salty ham tastes bad.