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Q: What is the difference between ribosomes and ribozymes?
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Do ribosomes use enzymes?

No, transcription does not include the use of the ribosomes. This organelle is only used during translation, but not transcription. Transcription is when the mRNA is being made, which is inside of the nucleus, not ribosome.

What is the difference between ribozyme and enzyme?

Ribozymes are composed of nucleotides, whereas enzymes are composed of amino acids.

What is nature of ribozymes?

Ribozymes are RNA catalyzing enzymes.

What is the difference between ribosomes in the cytosol and ribosomes in er?

The 'free' ribosomes are for local use within the cell, whereas the ribosomes attached to the ER are transported to other parts of the cell or transported away from the cell.

What is the main difference between the rough ER and the smooth ER?

RER is embedded with Ribosomes.

What is the difference between a rough ER and a soft?

rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is with ribosomes attached .helps in protein synthesis Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum no ribosomes

What are riboenzymes?

RNA molecules which are capable of catalysing molecular processes like translation are called ribozymes or riboenzymes eg. 23SRNA is a constituent of ribosomes which acts as a catalyst during the process of translation.

What is the difference between rought and Smoot endoplasmic reticulum?

Rough ER have attached ribosomes and flat plate shaped.Smooth ER are tubular shaped and lack ribosomes.

What is the difference between rough er and the smoth er?

Rough ER has Ribosomes and Smooth ER does not.

What is the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic protein synthesis?

There is no difference.Bacteria have 70s ribosomes.Eukariyotes have 80s ribosomes.

What is the difference between a bacterial rIbosome and a eukaryotic ribosome?

Bacteria have 70s ribosomes.Eukariyotes have 80s ribosomes

What is the difference between the rough er and the smothe er?

Rough ER has Ribosomes and Smooth ER does not.