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Service typically refers to aiding or helping others, often in exchange for payment or as a way of fulfilling a need. Servitude, on the other hand, implies a state of being enslaved or under the control of another, often involving forced labor or submission without choice. Service is generally voluntary and positive, while servitude is involuntary and negative.

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Q: What is the difference between service and servitude?
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What is the difference between domestic servitude and involuntary servitude?

Domestic servitude specifically refers to forced labor that occurs within a household or domestic setting, often involving the exploitation and control of domestic workers. Involuntary servitude, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses any form of forced labor or service without the individual's consent, not limited to domestic settings.

What is the difference between servitude and slavery?

Servitude typically refers to a condition of being in servile or submissive employment, often under harsh or oppressive conditions, but with the possibility of freedom or payment. Slavery, on the other hand, involves the complete ownership and control of one person by another, where the enslaved person is treated as property with no rights or freedoms.

How are slavery and indentured servitude alike?

Slavery and indentured servitude involve individuals working against their will, typically in service to someone else. Both systems deprive individuals of their freedom and subject them to harsh living and working conditions. However, in indentured servitude, individuals may have a contract specifying the terms of their labor and eventual release, whereas slavery typically involves lifelong bondage without such contractual agreements.

When was indentured servitude outlawed?

Indentured servitude was outlawed in the United States with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude.

What did indentured servitude offer the people?

Indentured servitude offered people the promise of transportation to a new land and a chance for a better life. In exchange for their service, they would receive food, lodging, and eventually freedom. It provided an opportunity for people to escape poverty or persecution in their home countries.

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