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Q: What is the difference between stimulus generalization and response generalization?
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What is generalizing response?

Also called stimulus generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus similar to but distinct from the conditioned stimulus.Also called response generalization. the act or process of making a different but similar response to the same stimulus.Also called mediated generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus not physically similar to the conditioned stimulus and not previously encountered in conditioning.(fosfatidilserina)the act or process of perceiving similarity or relation between different stimuli, as between words, colors, sounds, lights, concepts or feelings; the formation of a general notion.

Difference between stimulus and response?

A stimulus is a change in an organism's surroundings or body which causes it to respond. Hence, a response is an organism's reaction to a specific stimulus.

What is the difference between uncontrolled response and controlled response?

An uncontrolled response is a natural response to an unconditioned stimulus or stimuli. A controlled response is a response taught to said person by pairing it with a formally neutral stimulus which now turns into the controlled stimulus.

What is the difference between stimulas and response?

A stimulus is a change in an organism's surroundings or body which causes it to respond. Hence, a response is an organism's reaction to a specific stimulus.

What is the difference between a unconditioned response and a conditioned response?

Unconditioned response is unlearned and conditioned is learned. When you smell your favorite food (unconditioned stimulus) you become hungrey(unconidtioned response)

What is the difference between stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination?

A stimulus is an action or procedure used to gain a suitable response.A stimulus generalisation is when the stimulus can be generalised to a similar stimulus and still gain the same response.Example, A bell rings at a certain tone and a dog salivates, if the bell rang at a higher or lower tone the dog may still salivate. SO therefore have a generalised stimulus.A stimulus discrimination is when the participant can discriminate between stimulus ad therefore weaken the effect of the stimulus on the required response.Example, A dog is given increasingly different sounding bells from the original meaning the stimulus will have a decreased effect and eventually will not the response at all.

What is the difference between an action shot and a reaction shot?

An action is something you proactively choose to do. A reaction is something you do as a response to a stimulus.

What the difference between reaction and response?

A reaction is what happens to the body when a stimulus is applied, a response is what happens next; i.e a stimulus illicits a reaction which illicits a respose. For example, glucose in the blood (a stimulus) causes the pancreas to release insulin (a reaction), which in turn causes the cells to take up glucose from the blood (a response).

What is the difference between involuntary actions and reflex actions?

An involuntary action is a body process that occurs automatically regardless of external stimulus. In contrast, a reflex is an automated response to an external stimulus.

Difference between nastic movement tropic movement?

Nastic response occur in a part of a plant that grows towards a non-directional stimulus while Tropic response occur in a part of a plant that grows towards or away from a directional stimulus.

What is the difference between stimulus and stimuli?

the difference is that, stimuli is the plural of stimulus; that is stimuli is feelings while stimulus is feeling.

How do synapses affect the delay between stimulus and response?
