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If else can have values based on constraints, where as switch case can have values based on user choice.In if else, first condition is verified, then it comes to else whereas in the switch case first it cheaks the case and then it switches to that particular case.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Typically, nested if-else statements are used in the program's logic where there isn't only one condition to evaluate. A switch statement, on the other hand, evaluates only one variable and starts to work there. You can think of a switch statement as a simplified (and stripped-down) version of an if-else block.

switch(x) {

case 1: // do this

case 2: // do this

case 3: // do this

// etc


The nested if-else statement's power comes from the fact that it is able to evaluate more than one condition at once, and/or use lots of different conditions in one logical structure.

if(x 0) {

// do this


If you're going to evaluate only one variable in the condition statement, you're better off going with a switch statement, since it looks a lot neater than nested ifs. However, like in the case above, there are times where the only structure you could use is an if-else block, so you don't have much of a choice.

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10y ago

You can put another if into the else part, there is nothing special in it, eg:

if (i==1) /* do something */

else if (i==2) /* do something else */

else /* neither 1 nor */

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11y ago

The only difference is that the else statement causes code execution if the if statement's condition does not hold (the condition was false). It is a type of short-hand for writing two if-then statements where the second statement has the exact opposite conditions as the first.

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12y ago

"if else" is the command used for checking infinite statements.whereas "switch" is used to assign a key in keyboard do perform a specified action.

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Q: What is the difference between switch case and if else?
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What is the similarity between 'if' statement ans 'switch' statement?

A Switch statement can be considered as a series of if. else if. else statements. whatever condition is satisfied, the code block would get executed. if (cond 1) { } else if (cond 2) { } else if (cond 3) { } ...... } else if (cond N) { } else { } switch { case 1: .... case 2: .... .... case N: ... default: ... } Difference: In the if else blocks, if one condition is satisfied, all other blocks are ignored In Switch blocks, unless you have break statements inside each condition block, the subsequent blocks would not be ignored.

What is the use of the default case in a switch case?

The default case in a switch statement will be activated if none of the other case values match. It is used exactly for this purpose - if nothing else matches in the switch then this one will always match.Without a default case value, if nothing matched in the switch then nothing will be done. Sometimes it is necessary to know that nothing matched.

Write an equivalence of switch statement and if statement?

switch(ch) { case '+': ....cout <<"arithmetic operator"; ....break; //<===break is a must /// <====================other cases . . default: // <=======else }

What are five advantages to using case structure to program multiple alternative decisions?

1. Switch/case structures yield cleaner, more maintainable code than equivalent nested if..else statements. 2. With if...else statements, the programmer must put the most likely cases first. With switch/case structure, the order of the cases is immaterial. 3. The default switch/case label can be placed anywhere. With if...else, the default must be placed last. 4. Where multiple cases contains common (duplicate) code, omitting the break statement allows execution to fall through to the common code. With if...else, the common code must be duplicated. 5. Switch/case is as fast if not faster than equivalent nested if...else statements. However, modern compilers can optimise nested if...else statements into an equivalent switch/case structure wherever appropriate, thus the speed advantage is much less of a concern these days. Whenever you have the option of using one or the other, use switch/case if only to make code more readable. However, there will be cases where an if...else may be more readable. For instance, consider the following examples: void f (const char c) { if (c>='a' && c<='z') {} else if (c>='A' && c<='Z') {} else if (c>='0' && c<='9') {} else {} } void g (const char c) { switch (c) { case 'a': case 'b': ... case 'y': case 'z': {} break; case 'A': case 'B': ... case 'Y': case 'Z': {} break; case '0': case '1': ... case '8': case '9': {} break; default: {} } } Typing out all the cases in function g would obviously be tiresome and error prone compared to the succinct statements of function f. However, a good compiler will generate the same code regardless of which function you use, so the choice is simply one of which is the most readable.

What does the switch statement in JavaScript do?

The JavaScript switch statement is nothing more than a easy replacement for a series of if-then-else statements. Here's an example. var chicken; switch( chicken ) { case "fried": console.log('Fried chicken!'); break; case "fricassee": console.log('Fricassee!!!!!!!!'); break; case "egg": console.log('Which came first?'); break; default: console.log( 'With its head cut off.' ); }//end switch This statement takes a variable, then compares it to the values of each "case." When it finds a matchin value, it executes the code in that case statement. It will execute until it hits the "break" statement, so if you skip a break, then the code will continue straight through. This is the same structure as: if ( chicken "egg" ){ console.log('Which came first?') }else{ console.log( 'With its head cut off.' ); } As you can see, the switch statement is simpler, easier to read, and easier to maintain.

Related questions

What are the similarities between if else and switch case?

If else and switch case both are used to control the flow of program.

What is the similarity between 'if' statement ans 'switch' statement?

A Switch statement can be considered as a series of if. else if. else statements. whatever condition is satisfied, the code block would get executed. if (cond 1) { } else if (cond 2) { } else if (cond 3) { } ...... } else if (cond N) { } else { } switch { case 1: .... case 2: .... .... case N: ... default: ... } Difference: In the if else blocks, if one condition is satisfied, all other blocks are ignored In Switch blocks, unless you have break statements inside each condition block, the subsequent blocks would not be ignored.

What is difference between if else and switch statement in c plus plus?

Switch Case is used when you want to check whether a certain variable is equal to a set of particular values and theres a different task to do for each value. If-then-else is can be used to check for anything, including a range of values and perform a specific task if the condition is met. For eg: switch(c) { case(1): task1(); break; case(2): task2(); break; case(3): task3(); break; default: task9(); break; } if(c>=1 && c<=9) task1(); else task2(); Note: You cannot use >= or <= in switch case.

Which one gives better execution to the program switch or if else?

There is no difference between switch and if-else. A modern optimizing compiler should be able to generate the same code in both cases.

Difference between if else and else if?

what is diffrence between if else and else if

What is the difference between If-else and Switch-case in Java?

The if statement is used to select among two alternatives. It uses a boolean expression todecide which alternative should be executed. The switch statement is used to select among multiple alternatives. It uses an int expression to determine which alternativeshould be executed.

Difference bitween switch and if statement?

Switch - Case statement is similar to the if - else if statement construct in the way it operates. Both are used to check for a sequence of conditions and execute a piece of code based on success of the matching condition. Difference - We need a break statement at the end of every case block to ensure that further cases are not executed in case of success of condition in one case block.

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if else and switch case satements

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The difference is that "somebody" is informal or colloquial. Use "someone."

What is the use of the default case in a switch case?

The default case in a switch statement will be activated if none of the other case values match. It is used exactly for this purpose - if nothing else matches in the switch then this one will always match.Without a default case value, if nothing matched in the switch then nothing will be done. Sometimes it is necessary to know that nothing matched.

How if else if statement is differ from switch in general in java?

An else statement is comparing to items, while a switch statement is used to compare multiple items. So if you need multiple results from one statement use a switch but for booleans or very specific functions use a if else statement. Else If ex. if(a=6){System.out.println("It is six");} else(){System.out.println("It is not six");} Switch ex. switch(a){ case 1: System.out.println("it is one"); break; case 2: System.out.println("it is two"); break; default: System.out.println("it is not one or two"); break; } Basically a switch is a good way to check against a lot of possibilities.

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Afraid that's not enough information. Difference between an acre and what else are you questioning?