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A:The Jewish Pentecost or Shavuot, celebrated from the second century BCE onwards in memory of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai, takes place fifty days after Passover. Numbers 11:25 says that on the day of the Jewish Pentecost, the spirit of God came down on the seventy elders and they began to prophesy in ecstasy.

The 'Maltese' Pentecost is the Christian Pentecost and takes place fifty days after Easter, which originally coincided with the Passover. Acts of the Apostles says that on the day of Pentecost, everyone that was in the upper room, was filled with the Holy Spirit coming down on them as tongues of fire and the began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance. There are parallels to the earlier account in the story of the Christian Pentecost, which was probably inspired by the Jewish Pentecost.

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Q: What is the difference between the Jewish Pentecost and the Maltese pentecost?
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What was the difference between Jews before pentecost and after pentecost?

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In which gospel did the Pentecost event occur?

The Pentecost event is described in the book of Acts, not in the Gospels. It is recorded in Acts 2:1-41, where the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they spoke in other languages, marking the beginning of the Christian Church.

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Ascension is the fortieth day after Easter and Pentecost the fiftieth. In the liturgical year, they are usually celebrated on the following Sunday.

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The resurrection refers to Jesus Christ rising from the dead three days after his crucifixion, demonstrating his victory over sin and death. Pentecost, on the other hand, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, empowering them to spread the message of Christianity.

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The connection between Confirmation and Pentecost is so strong

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Acts ofthe Apostles tells us that Pentecost occurred fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, but is unclear as to exacly when Stephen was stoned to death. However, it is quite possible that neither event was really historical.The Jews had celebrated a Pentecost since the second century BCE and there are parallels of timing and content between the Jewish Pentecost and the story of the Christian Pentecost, which seems to have been inspired by the Jewish Pentecost. Also, Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) says that we can never verify the martyrdom or even existence of Stephen. With both events unlikely to have really happened, there is no real answer to this question.

What is the link between pentecost and sacrament of confirmation?

because its when you recieve the sacrament of the girfts of the holy spirit.

How long after the ascension was Pentecost?

It was 50 days, because Jesus was crucified on the Passover and Pentecost is 50 days after that. This is important because the Jewish feast of Pentecost included the offering of two loaves of unleavened bread representing the first fruits of the harvest (see Lev. 23:17-20 , Deut. 16:9-10), Jesus is the First Fruit of the Harvest, and Pentecost in the Christian Church is also the anniversary of the coming of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2).

What happened between the passover and pentcost?

In the Jewish tradition, the interval between the festivals of Passover (Pesach) and Pentecost (Shavuot) is known as the Omer, and is characterized by a special blessing said every evening counting the days between the two festivals. This is a period of spiritual preparation for Pentecost, a festival that remembers God's giving the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai.

When does Easter start and end?

Easter starts on Easter and ends fifty days later. It ends on Pentecost on June 12. Most Christians celebrate Easter for all fifty days between Easter and Pentecost after fasting and praying for the forty days of lent.

When was first Pentecost?

The problem here is that the first pentecost occurred a few months after Jesus' death and resurrection and the precise year of this is uncertain within the span of a year or two...sometime between AD 32 and 33. The disciples had been told by Christ to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When the day came, they were all gathered together , including Mattias as a replacement for Judas, when suddenly the sound of a rushing wind came from heaven and flaming tongues descended on each of them. It was at that moment they were each filled with the Holy Spirit, and marked the formal, public beginning of the Church. You can find the account of the first pentecost in Acts 2.So the answer to your question specifically is that the first pentecost was in the year of Jesus death and resurrection, AD 32 or 33.

When was the first Pentecost?

The problem here is that the first pentecost occurred a few months after Jesus' death and resurrection and the precise year of this is uncertain within the span of a year or two...sometime between AD 32 and 33. The disciples had been told by Christ to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When the day came, they were all gathered together , including Mattias as a replacement for Judas, when suddenly the sound of a rushing wind came from heaven and flaming tongues descended on each of them. It was at that moment they were each filled with the Holy Spirit, and marked the formal, public beginning of the Church. You can find the account of the first pentecost in Acts 2.So the answer to your question specifically is that the first pentecost was in the year of Jesus death and resurrection, AD 32 or 33.