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anemia,sicke cell anemia

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Q: What is the difference between the bacteria in yogurt and the bacteria that makes you sick?
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Is yogurt the food living or non living?

yes,yogurt is a living thing because it has bacteria and the bacteria is living.

What is the difference between r and s bacteria?

r is rough bacteria and s is smooth bacteria. smooth bacteria causes disease and makes a thick outer capsule.

Is the yogurt alive?

No, bacteria inside it is alive but the yogurt itself is not, so no yogurt is not alive. Some people may think that it is, but yogurt is dairy that contains edibal bacteria, but the dairy, witch is the yogurt, is not accually alive.

What are some good things bacteria do?

cleans oil spills, makes yogurt, cloning, makes medications,and in making sour cream

What is the purpose of bacteria in yogurt?

Not all bacteria is unhealthy, even though it may seem all is bad for you. Yoghurt is considered a healthy food, and its the good bacteria that makes it healthy.

What does bacteria produce when making cheese?

While fermenting, the bacteria produce enzymes which change lactose acid into lactic acid. Acids have a sour taste and this is what gives the yogurt a sour taste. This process also makes the yogurt thicker. Fermentation stops when the yogurt is cooled because bacteria need warmth to survive.

Why is pasteurised milk used for making yohgurt?

Pasteurising kills all microorganisms in the milk then you introduce the bacteria that makes the yogurt.

How is bacteria used to make yogurt?

Yogurt is made by inoculating certain bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus andLactobacillus bulgaricus, into milk This is called - starter culture. You can make it at home, if you place a tablesppon of yogurt in a glass of milk, the bacteria will reproduce and spread through the milk, and within 6 to 12 hours, transform the milk to yogurt. But yogurt cultures are "fussy" -- the milk must be boiled first in order to remove any competing bacteria and then cooled to a lukewarm temperature so that the yogurt bacteria won't be killed by high heat. You could also use sterile powdered milk, or a combination of the two (boiled and sterile).

What is the difference between soy yogurt and dairy yogurt?

Cheese and yoghurt are 2 different products that can be processed from milk. Cheese is made by the acid coagultion of milk while yoghurt is made by culture specific fermention of milk! In yoghurt lactic acid se formed due to fermentation! Which have many positive effects on body. While cheese is rich in proteins!

What microorganism is used to prepare yogurt and buttermilk?

Its special bacteria in yogurt. I think its called priobotics that makes the yogurt more healthier or something like that. By a school kid in dale primary. 15/11/2009.By a boy in Mrs Wilson class.The most cleverest person in Mrs Wilson's class.

Bacteria in milk that produce yogurt and buttermilk?

lactic acid bacteria makes cream sour through fermentation

Can homemade yogurt be made without a starter culture?

When making homemade yogurt one needs to have either freeze dried starter culture or a container of plain yogurt with active yogurt culture. Once an individual makes a first batch of yogurt, a small part of it can then be used to start the next batch.