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Foxes are smaller, have larger ears, bushier tails and more pointed snouts - whereas wolves are bigger, more dog-like, have smaller tails and hunt in packs.

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12y ago

A wolf is bigger eats more food eats different food like caribou and live in different environments

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Q: What is the difference between wolf and fox?
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What is the difference between the Arctic wolf and the Arctic fox?

artic Fox look much more like a fox.and artic wolf are bigger then artic fox

Who would win out of a figt between a fox or a wolf?

obviously a fox. A fox is about 10 times weaker

What is the difference between a gray wolf and a silver wolf?

There is no such thing as a silver wolf.

Is the Falkand islands wolf a fox or a wolf?

It is a wolf. Though it's closest realitive is the maned wolf, which is fox-like but is a wolf. They are exincted creatures but the Falkland Islands Wolf/Warrah/ Falkland Islands dog/Falkland Islands fox or Antarctic wolf is a wolf and not a fox.

What kind of wolf eats a fox?

It's very rare for a wolf to eat a fox but the only kind of wolf that will eat a fox is a very HUNGRY wolf.

Does the Arctic wolf beat the Arctic fox?

no the fox will win

What is the relationship between a wolf and a fox?

Foxes and wolves are both canids, members of a family that includes jackals, dogs, dhole and coyotes. Wolves are members of genus Canus, while foxes belong to genus Vulpes.

What is the difference between an Arctic fox and a white fox?

The difference is that Artic Foxes are bigger than wolfs

What is the difference between a Zorro fox and a red fox?

A Zorro fox isn't a species of fox, however "zorro" means fox in Spanish.

Is Danny a fox or a wolf?

Danny is a wolf

Is Krystal a fox or wolf?

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Furry How can you tell the difference between wolf fox or dog furry?

Wolf fox will (in most cases) have gray in the face or body, or look "fierce" Honestly it s really hard. sometimes it is really sy to tell and other times it isn't. it t=really depends on how good the drawing is and the colrs and many other factors.