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Q: What is the difference in energy levels tha exists between the valence band and the conduction band is called?
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What is the difference between the resistance of conductor and insulator?

Conductors allow most, if not all, electricity to pass through it. This is due to "wandering electrons" that aren't tightly bound to the nucleus of the conductor itself.Resistors conduct some, but not all electricity to pass. It somewhat resists it, hence resistors.Insulators do not allow electricity to pass through it due to the electrons being so tightly bound to the nucleus.

Is the current in intrinsic semiconductos du to fre electrons or valence electrons and what is the diff between them?

Well intrinsic semiconductor is semiconductor crystal with no impurities in it. In intrinsic semiconductor the electrons in valence band(valence electrons) gain energy(due to thermal enegry) and break free into conduction band(means it become free electrons). As this electron breaks free, a vacancy is created in place of it. It is called as a hole. This hole has a positive charge. So current in semiconductor is due to flow of this free electrons and holes. But this current is very small in magnitude. The difference between free electrons and valenece electrons is that valence electrons are often bonded to other atoms in crystal. But free electrons can freely move throughout the crystal.

Is doping is used to increase the conductivity of intrinsic semi conductor material?

Doping a semiconductor provides additional charge carriers to the material. The dopant atoms are easily ionized, and this provides the semiconductor with either free electrons in the conduction band or electron vacancies (or holes) in the valence band, both of which allow the semiconductor to conduct electricity.

What is the potential difference between 2 points in a circuit called?

Voltage drop

Why semiconductor is called semiconductor not semiinsulator?

The purpose of semiconductors is to control the amount of conduction, not the amount of insulation.

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What makes silicon a semiconductor?

Elements have two bands. One is Valence band and other is Conduction band. Valence band contains electrons whereas the conduction band is empty. The energy gap between them is called the forbidden gap. In case of metals, this gap is very small or the bands overlap. Therefore, the electrons are able to jump from the valence band to the conduction band and hence metal are able to conduct electricity and they are generally conductors. In case of Non-Metals, the energy gap is very large and hence hence electrons are not able to move from valence band to conduction band. Hence they are insulators. But in case of elements like Silicon, Germanium this gap is between Metals and Non-Metals, hence few electrons are able to move from valence band to conduction band. Therefore they have some conductivity but it is low and hence they are called semiconductors.

What is the difference between the resistance of conductor and insulator?

Conductors allow most, if not all, electricity to pass through it. This is due to "wandering electrons" that aren't tightly bound to the nucleus of the conductor itself.Resistors conduct some, but not all electricity to pass. It somewhat resists it, hence resistors.Insulators do not allow electricity to pass through it due to the electrons being so tightly bound to the nucleus.

What is the difference between Free Electron Theory and Band Theory of solids?

Free Electron Theory:This theory tells that, metals conduct electricity because of the presence of free electrons in it. The outermost shells of metal atoms will be loosely bound with their nucleus. So the electrons in it are free to move anywhere in the solid.These electrons are called free electrons and they are responsible for the conduction of electricity.Band theory of solids:A solid is assumed to contain many bands in which the electrons in it are packed. The most important are valence band and conduction band. The energy of electrons in these bands will be different.The difference in energies of valence band and conduction band determines whether the solid is a conductor, semi - conductor or insulator.For insulators, the difference between energies of them ( energy gap ) will be very high, and for conductor, these bands overlap each other.The conduction band carries the electrons that conduct electricity, but the valence band has all the electrons in the ground state. Whether they go into the conduction band depends on the temperature and the energy gap between the bands. In a conductor, these bands overlap, and hence many electrons can become conducting. Thus, Band Theory explains distinction between metals and insulators, which Free Electron theory cannot do (since it assumes all valence electrons become conducting). Calculations are be performed to see which materials will have big energy gaps and which will have overlapping bands.

What is energy gap?

there will be only certain energy levels in which electrons get filled up. In valence orbitals there will be many such energy levels and the energy gap between conduction band and valence band is called energy band gap.

Heat transfer between two substances that are in contact is called?

the answer is conduction because it transfers heat between two substances that are in contact.

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The conduction is transfer of heat between metals,also called metallic conduction

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