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Q: What is the difference in perception and reality in voilate crimes?
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What crimes are in Ancient Greece?

the same crimes to see and hear about today, the only difference is the method.

Do most celebrities that commit crimes get treated differently then regular people?

The public perception seems to be that, yes, they do get treated differently.

What is the difference between property and enterprise crime?

Property crimes are crimes involving property... jewelery, electronics etc. Enterprise crimes are known as "high collar" crimes, in which money is usually embezzled or otherwise illegally obtained. A classic case of this was the Enron scandal years ago.

What is the difference between a federal probation officer and a state probation officer?

The only difference is the level of government that they work for. One supervises released violators convicted and sentenced for FEDERAL crimes, the other supervises released violators convicted of STATE crimes.

Difference between index and non index crimes?

The difference in index and non index crimes is depending on if they are willing or non-willing crimes. Index crimes consists on willful homicide, arson, larceny more than $50, rape, burglary, theft, basically anything that is physically pursued by the person committing the crime. Non Index crimes consist of non-physical confrontation such as drug possession, drug seizure, driving under the influence, negligent manslaughter. Index crimes are used by the FBI for its annual crime index report, in which they are most likely involved.

Are misdemeanors and felonies codified laws?

Yes, they are. The difference is the severity of punishment. Felonies are codified as crimes punishable by prison for one year or longer, or by death. All other crimes are misdemeanors.

Explain the difference between crimes of criminal conduct and crimes of criminal intent?

Generally, most crimes require a "mens rea" or intent requirement. For example, murder generally requires that you intended to cause the death of a person. However, there are some crimes that do NOT require an intent to commit the crime. Those crimes are much more uncommon and include such crimes as manslaughter. You didn't' intend to cause the death of another person, but your negligent actions resulted in a death.

What is the difference between big and small crimes?

1 is big and 1 is small 1 is big and 1 is small

What is the difference between crime rate and crime volume?

your crime rate is the percentage of the crime, and the volume is the number of crimes

Do hate crimes and ethnocentrism have a relationship?

Yes, hate crimes stem from ethnocentrism and the belief that one ethnicity or skin color is superior to others. Ethnocentrism does not always have to be related to hate crimes, hate speech, or violence, but hate crimes stem from the idea of one race, ethnicity, or group of people being better than another. In reality, all humans on the biological level, are all the same. We all have to share this planet together and learn to co-exist.

What was a major difference between the genocides in Cambodia and Yugoslavia?

The leader of Yugoslavia was tried for crimes against humanity, but the leader of Cambodia was not. - Apex Learning.

What is the difference between crimes and misdemeanours?

The difference between a crime and a misdemeanor is the length of time someone who is guilty will be imprisoned for or otherwise punished. Minor offenses with little or no imprisonment will be misdemeanors.