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Q: What is the differences between embryo and a foetus?
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After how many weeks can an embryo be called a foetus?

An unborn baby that is less than 8 weeks old, is an embryo, after this it is classified as a foetus.

What develops into the fetus?

A Foetus is formed by the growth and development of an embryo.

The cluster of developing cells from conception until birth is called an .?

Embryo, between the 3rd and 8th week. Fetus, after the 8th week

What would happen to the embyro in gestation?

The embryo will develop into a foetus in the womb.

What is a 6 letter word for beginning of a baby?

Infant.Zygote, Embryo, Foetus.

How do babies become embryos?

Babies don't become embryos, it's the other way around. A fertilised egg becomes a zygote, a zygote becomes an embryo, an embryo becomes a foetus, a foetus becomes a baby.

What is a baby-to-be?

A baby-to-be is an unborn child, a child which has not yet been born - an embryo or foetus.

What is a fetus and what is its function?

A Foetus is formed by the growth and development of an embryo. A Foetus is an unborn baby in the uterus in the later stages of development (after 8 weeks till birth). A Foetus is also multicellular. The body features of developing baby can be identified.

What differences are between the onion root tip and whitefish embryo in size of the cells?

.......... Did Ben ask this??????

What is fully developed a fetus or an embryo?

Well, embryo is the developing stage of a zygote(fertilised egg) when it repeatedly divides itself into a ball of cells to form the different tissues and then the organs of the baby. The stage when the hands, legs , and different body parts of the baby can be identified is termed as the foetus. So, in accordance with your question the stage of the foetus is more developed. However the foetus is not the fully developed stage. The foetus once completely developed , the baby is born.

When the fertilized ovum implants in the uterine lining it becomes?

The answer to your question is a zygote. From there, it develops to an embryo and a foetus. Happy science!!!

What is the term you call baby in womb?

It varies according to when, during the pregnancy, you are referring to. The most general terms are foetus and embryo.