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A homozygous dominant genotype means that both alleles for a trait are dominant. A heterozygous genotype means that one allele is dominant and the other is recessive. A heterozygous genotype will express the dominant phenotype, not the recessive phenotype.

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11y ago

Dominant means that its the greatest homozygous means purebred. Homozygous means purebred but is the recessive trait look it up on YouTube and Google!c: :D

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Q: What is the differences between homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive and heterozygous?
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What are the names of the genotypes?

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The ratio of dominant to recessive traits in the F2 generation of Mendel's experiments was 3:1. This is known as the phenotypic ratio for a monohybrid cross, where three individuals display the dominant trait for every one individual displaying the recessive trait.

What is it when you have a gene pair that consist of two dominate alleles and two recessive alleles?

The name of the gene pair that consists of a dominant and recessive allele, i.e. (Xx) will be a heterozygous allele. In this situation, the characteristics of the dominant characteristic will mask that of the recessive allele. People have have a heterozygous genotype may be carriers for diseases that reside on the recessive allele.

What are the different forms of a gene either dominant or recessive?

heterozygous, homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive

What is the opposite of homozygous of dominant?

heterozygous recessive

What is crossing a homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive with a heterozygous?

There is a 50% chance of a homozygous dominant and a 50% chance of a heterozygous.

What is the difference between homzyguos and heterozyous?

Homozygous recessive: is when the genes are both recessive Homozygous dominant: is when the genes are both dominant (traits show) Heterozygous dominant: is when one gene is dominant and one is recessive (traits show) Heterozygous recessive: is the same as heterozygous dominant but the dominant genes are inactive

What is the probability of 2 heterozygous individuals producing a heterozygous recessive offspring?

The probability is 50%. There are four probabilities: dominant homozygous, recessive homozygous, or heterozygous.

What is the probability of offspring for 2 heterozygous dogs?

There are 3 probabilities: dominant homozygous, recessive homozygous, or heterozygous.

What is the difference between a homozygous dominant homozygous recessive and heterozygous individual?

They are the same

What is a gene combination for a single trait?

homozygous dominant, heterozygous, or homozygous recessive

What is dominant recessive?

Dominant and recessive are terms used to describe how a particular allele (gene variant) is expressed in an individual's phenotype. A dominant allele will be expressed even if only one copy is present, while a recessive allele needs two copies to be expressed. Dominant traits mask the expression of recessive traits in an organism.