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The transmissions aren't made by Freightliner, and this answer applies to all commercial truck manufacturers. A fully automatic transmission is clutch free. An autoshift basically adds a synchroniser gear and computer operated shift mechanism to a manual transmission, and still uses a clutch. With an autoshift, poor clutch manipulation often causes the synchroniser gear to go out, making the transmission unable to shift. On a fully automatic transmission, that problem does not exist.

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Q: What is the different between a auto shift and a automatic freightliner truck transmission?
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an automatic transmission shifts through the 4 or 5 gears for you as you accelerate. a manual transmission must be shifted by hand using a shifter and a clutch (located next to the left of the brake pad).

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manuel has a stick transmission auto is automatic transmission A manual transmission is you shift gears manually by pressing the clutch as you increase speed, and overtime you will change clutch disk and has a better mileage than automatic transmission. Automatic transmission you don't need any shifting, the car does it for you.But the price of the car is a little bit higher like a thousand more or less.And you have to check your transmission fluid most of the time.

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