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an automatic transmission shifts through the 4 or 5 gears for you as you accelerate. a manual transmission must be shifted by hand using a shifter and a clutch (located next to the left of the brake pad).

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Q: What is the difference between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission in a car or truck?
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Is there a power difference between automatic and manual transmission?

yes alot

What is the difference between manual and automatic auto transmissions?

A manual transmission on a car is one that you control yourself via a stick shift. An automatic transmission is one that the car controls, based on your speed and incline.

What is the difference between manual and automatic control?

Manual control means that it is controlled by humans, and automatic is it will work on its own. An example is a car's transmission. With manual transmission, you have to tell the car what gear to use. With automatic transmission, the car figures out what gear to use on its own by monitering factors such as RPM.

What is the difference between manual and automatic transmission fluid?

manual fluid is thicker auto trans is like power steering fluid..watery

Is there any difference between a manual and automatic engine?

there isn't a difference cause theres no such thing as a automatic or manual engine. there is such thing as a manual transmission aka trans. and a automatic trans. the automatic shifts by hydrolic pressure that increases when acclurating. and a manual trans the person driving the vehical shifts the gears with a lever. i hope that's what you wanted to know.

Can you convert manual transmission to automatic transmission?

Converting a manual transmission to automatic transmission is not possible but you can replace a manual transmission to an automativ transmission . That is also an expensive deal.

Can the ecm for automatic work for manual transmission?

The ECU for an automatic can be used in a manual transmission. However, it will not work vice-versa with the ECU from a manual transmission in an automatic.

What is the difference between the 2 2000 Honda cr-v automatic gear boxes?

Not sure I understand the question. There are only two transmissions offered, as far as I know, - a manual transmission and an automatic transmission, and the dfferences are obvious.

What is the difference between a manual and an automatic car?

manuel has a stick transmission auto is automatic transmission A manual transmission is you shift gears manually by pressing the clutch as you increase speed, and overtime you will change clutch disk and has a better mileage than automatic transmission. Automatic transmission you don't need any shifting, the car does it for you.But the price of the car is a little bit higher like a thousand more or less.And you have to check your transmission fluid most of the time.

What was invented first manual transmission or automatic transmission?


Does the 2012 honda rincon have manual transmission?

though it has a manual push button option... It is a Automatic transmission. You can change between push button manual and Auto.

How much oil do you put in a manual transmission on a 2.2 liter Gmc Sonoma?

The GMC Sonoma 2.2 litre manual transmission hold 12 quarts of transmission gear oil. Keep in mind there is a big difference between gear oil and automatic transmission fluid.