

What is the different between a cattle and cow?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Cattle is the word to describe a group of bovine, while cow is a mature female bovine that has had at least two calves.

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Q: What is the different between a cattle and cow?
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What is the differnece between a cattle and cow?

A cow is a mature female of a certain species, including dolphins and cattle. Cattle is the name of the bovine animal that gives us milk and beef, and moos.

Why cattle meat is better than cow meat?

They're one and the same, there's no difference between "cattle meat" and "cow meat." Cow and/or cattle meat is called Beef, regardless what class or type of bovine it came from.

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The genus of wild and domesticated cattle is: Bos.

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Zeus's "cow-bride" was Io.

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A cow that is specifically used by farmers for producing milk that they sell. Dairy farming is just one type of cattle farming. Different types of farmers use different types of cattle for their farms.

What is the relationship between the cattle egret and cow?

There is not true symbiotic relationship. However, he cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both species.

What is the symbiotic relationship between the cattle egret and the cow?

There is not true symbiotic relationship. However, he cattle egret removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them. This benefits both species.

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Cattle and true buffalo cannot mate, as the embryos fail. A hybrid between the American Bison and domestic Cattle is called a Beefalo.

What type of cattle are raised to produce milk?

Dairy cattle like Holsteins, Brown Swiss and Jerseys.

Name for a young female cattle?

Lamb - there is no different between gender. Only when they are adults is there a difference.

What is a cow-cocky?

Cow cocky is an Australian and New Zealand term referring to a small scale cattle farmer.

Why isn't a cow a moose?

Female moose are called cows, so they are. However, cattle and moose are different animals.