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do you mean science? input is what you start with, output is what you get. for instance to make scrambled eggs, we input milk and eggs (minus the shells!) to a pan, add heat, stir and we get out tasty scrambled eggs. there are many types of input and output.

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Q: What is the different between the input and the output in science?
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What is the difference between input and output?

What is the difference between output and input?If you sing into a microphone you can hear the microphone's output.Sound coming out of the power amp to the speakers.That is the input of the loudspeaker.Do you see the difference?Your voice is the microphone's input. Its output is electrical impulses that are input to the amplifier. The amplified impulses are the output of the amplifier and input to the speaker. Sound waves are output of the speaker and input to your ears.

What the different bbetween the input and output?

An "input" is were something goes in. An "output" is where something comes out.

What is difference between windows Input Output and Linux Input Output?

end of line mark.

What is the difference between the input force and output force?

The difference between and input force and an output force is that an output force is force exerted by a machine, and an input force is force exerted on a machine.

What are the differences between input and output?

Depends on what you're referring to. Input could be a switch for example, output would be a fan or light coming on. Eating is an input, you can guess what your output is?

Is a computer a input or a output?

Neither. A computer contains both input and output devices. Many modern input and output devices contain embedded computers, that interface between the main computer and the actual input or output hardware of the device.

Which description most accurately describes the input-output model?

a model of interactions between different sectors in an economy

Fuctions of input output module?

input and output devices provide a means of communcation between the computer and the outside world.

Identify the class of a lever for which does function is between the input force and the output force?

The third class lever functions between the input force and the output force

How does friction affect the equality between work input and work output in real situations?

Work Input = Work Output + Work done in overcoming friction.Therefore Work Input > Work Output.

What comes between input and output?

please answer this question