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Q: What is the dimmest magnitude an object can have and still be visible next to the full moon?
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What is the brightness of Earth?

Earth's albedo is .39 ------------------------------------- The albedo is a measure of how much light the Earth reflects The amount of light/energy falling on the Earth form the Sun is between 0.8 and 1.0 kW / m².

Is Pluto visible from earth without a telescope?

Pluto's magnitude varies depending on its position in orbit, but is never brighter than 13.65. The dimmest objects visible to the naked eye under perfect conditions are about magnitude 6.5 (the lower the number, the brighter the object). Pluto is about 1000 times dimmer than this. The faintest objects visible with the aid of binoculars are about magnitude 9.5. Pluto is still over 50 times dimmer than this. A telescope would be necessary to see Pluto.

What phase is the nuclear membrane is still visible?

During prometaphase, the nuclear envelope (membrane) breaks apart. However, some fragments of the nuclear envelope are still visible.

What scale is used to measure earthquake intensity?

The moment magnitude scale is used to measure the magnitude of large earthquakes. The Richter scale is still used to make an initial estimate of the magnitude of larger earthquakes and to measure small and moderate ones (those with a magnitude below 7).

What happens when the same force is applied to an object?

If the object was stationery before any forces were applied it will remain stationery, and if it was moving it will remain moving but at a constant speed. There is no resultant force so the object experiences no acceleration.

Related questions

The velocity of an object can what if the speed of an object remains constant?

The velocity can still change, even if the speed doesn't. This is because velocity is a vector - not only the magnitude is important, but also the direction.

What is the color of the dimmest star?

The scale below is given as an instructive tool, to give a general idea of how the magnitude scale works. The scale below is intended to be roughly visual; the human eye's (dark-adapted) detection efficiency peaks around 495 nanometers, while the formal photoelectric V peak (a filtered band intended to be close to visual) is around 550 nm; CCDs tend to peak around 700 nm. The examples are given for integer values are not "exact", in that celestial objects are often measured to a precision or 0.1 or 0.01 magnitude; for example, Sirius shines at V = -1.47 (Yale Bright Star Catalogue), and the planet Venus varies in brightness generally from magnitude -4.5 to -3.7. Note that a comet of magnitude 5 will not be as easy to see as a star of magnitude 5, because that same amount of brightness that is concentrated in a point for the star is spread out over a region of the sky for a diffuse comet with a relatively-large coma. For more information go to

What is difference between enable and visible property in visual basic?

Visible means that the property can be used, but is not visible in the graphical user interface. But, if the user were to click a control that edit the objects properties, the object would change even if it isn't visible. Enabled/Disable means that for instance if the object is Disabled, it's still visible but the user cannot interact with it. This means, that if code is executed for the control that is disabled, nothing will change to that control.

Why is it called Mira A bizarre comet tail star?

Mira is unusual in several ways. For one thing, it's immensely variable. It varies from magnitude 10 (much too faint to be visible to the naked eye) all the way to magnitude 2 (not only visible but actually fairly bright) with a period of about 332 days. That's 1700 times brighter at its brightest than when it's at its dimmest. Normally it doesn't get that bright, but 3.5 is pretty typical, which is still enough to make it one of the brighter stars in its constellation (Cetus). The "comet tail" part comes from the fact that Mira is leaving a trail of material about 13 light-years long behind it. This is a fairly recent discovery, since the tail cannot be seen in visible light; it was not observed until Mira was studied in ultraviolet light by NASA's GALEX satellite.

How can an object stay at same speed and still be accelerating?

acceleration is change in velocity over time. It is important to know that speed is not a vector quantity; it is scalar (meaning it does not have direction), -- velocity does. Therefore, speed is only the MAGNITUDE of velocity. Also, acceleration is a vector quantity meaning it has both magnitude and direction. If you change EITHER magnitude or DIRECTION, acceleration changes. Okay anyway to answer your question, You can have the same magnitude of velocity (aka same speed) and still be accelerating if YOU CHANGE DIRECTION. --- gh

What is the measure of the stars brightness from the earth?

That is called the apparent magnitude. Originally the brightest stars were called "magnitude 1", the weakest that could still be seen with the naked eye, "magnitude 6". The system has been formalized, now certain objects (several planets, the Moon, the Sun, some bright stars) actually have negative magnitudes; and of course, the range has been extended to weak objects that can only be seen with telescopes. In general, a larger magnitude numbers means an object is less bright.That is called the apparent magnitude. Originally the brightest stars were called "magnitude 1", the weakest that could still be seen with the naked eye, "magnitude 6". The system has been formalized, now certain objects (several planets, the Moon, the Sun, some bright stars) actually have negative magnitudes; and of course, the range has been extended to weak objects that can only be seen with telescopes. In general, a larger magnitude numbers means an object is less bright.That is called the apparent magnitude. Originally the brightest stars were called "magnitude 1", the weakest that could still be seen with the naked eye, "magnitude 6". The system has been formalized, now certain objects (several planets, the Moon, the Sun, some bright stars) actually have negative magnitudes; and of course, the range has been extended to weak objects that can only be seen with telescopes. In general, a larger magnitude numbers means an object is less bright.That is called the apparent magnitude. Originally the brightest stars were called "magnitude 1", the weakest that could still be seen with the naked eye, "magnitude 6". The system has been formalized, now certain objects (several planets, the Moon, the Sun, some bright stars) actually have negative magnitudes; and of course, the range has been extended to weak objects that can only be seen with telescopes. In general, a larger magnitude numbers means an object is less bright.

Are the stars still visible in their original position?

yes, the stars are still visible in the original position

Why was the last line still visible?

because it in visible hahahaha

When is a time where speed does not change but the object is still accelerating?

Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity. Velocity is a vector. It has a magnitude ( speed ) and a directio. If either the speed or the direction of motion changes the object is accelerating. Example; an object moving in a circle at constant speed is accelerating because its direction is continually changing.

What unit would be used to measure an object that is smaller than a centimeter but still visible to the unaided eye?

Millimeters can be used as a measurement for items smaller than one centimeter

What is the brightness of Earth?

Earth's albedo is .39 ------------------------------------- The albedo is a measure of how much light the Earth reflects The amount of light/energy falling on the Earth form the Sun is between 0.8 and 1.0 kW / m².

How long was the crab nebula visible for?

The Crab Nebula or SN1054 is still visible with telescopes.