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it is called a whooping cough

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Q: What is the disease with the symptoms of long perido of short fast coughs ending with a 'whoop'?
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Can you take a pergnace test when you are on your perido?

yes you can it is actually better if you do when you have your period because there is more concentrate in your pee!

Can a girl get pregnant on the three day of her perido?

A girl can get pregnant on any day of her 28-day cycle, even on her period.

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Louise de los Reyes's birth name is Mary Grace Perido.

What if your last perido was on August 21 how long should you wait to take a pregnant test?

You can take on now-normally 5 days is good

How many decibles does OSHA recommend a person no exceede exposure to in an eight hour perido?

90 dB (re 20 micro Pascals) =)

What is the grace perido of alcohol once being cut off from alcohol?

We are not sure what you mean. If you mean the onset of acute withdrawal, it ranges anywhere from 8 to 24 hours.

How much time does an average person spend reading newspapers in a 3- day perido?

how much time does an average person spend reading a newspapers in 3-day period

How would you know if you were pregnant after you missed your Depo-Provera injection?

The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to take a test. There are many side effects that mimick pregnancy.Unfortuantely you don't always know when your fertility returns so you may want to use condoms until your periods are regular again. If you may already be pregnant you may want to take a test.Yea you could be pergnant,You can have a period for a few months while being PG. See a Doc You can only get pregnant if your obulating. Usually you obulate ejither before or after your perido. your doctor should be able to let you know when your obulating or who's every giving the depo shot. it would be helpful to give the dates when your perido go's on and go's off to your doctor for an accurate asnwer of when you obulate{it's possible you could get pregnant with an iregular perido because your body obulation cycle is different}.

Is it ok if you have start your perido when you were 9?

Yes it's fine to start your period when you were nine because usually girls start their periods at age 8 to age 12. Yes it's fine to start your period when you were nine because usually girls start their periods at age 8 to age 12.

What does it mean if you hadnt have your perido 2days late?

If you have your period 2 days late, it is nothing to worry about. It is completly normal to have your period come a bit early or a bit late. However, if you haven't had it in a really long time and you usually have a regular period, you should check with your doctor to see if you are pregnant, or have any other problems.

A visa schengen was denied can appeal that decision?

Yes, the decision of not granting Schengen visa can be appealed. Unfortunately the process is not universal meaning that not every embassy or consulate follows the same procedures. Even the appeal period varies from country to country. Some countries provide 30 days visa appeal perido and some countries provide 60 days visa appeal period. In any case, whether you can or cannot appeal visa would be mentioned on the decision letter.