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The divine rights of monarches are what the kings in the Middle Ages used to win support of their people by saying "we rule by the will of God" and this happened not just in Europe but basically all around the world during some period of time because that's what all complete rulers want their people to think, after all, all minds think alike.

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Q: What is the divine right monarchs of Europe?
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How did absolute monarchy encouraged by divine right of monarchs?

god gave them the right to rule

What theory states monarchs rule by the will of God?

The "divine right of kings" theory states that monarchs rule by the will of God.

The theory that monarchs ore Chosen by God?

The theory that monarchs are Chosen by God is called the Divine right Of Kings. =)

To whom did absolute monarchs have to answer?

Only to God. They believed they ruled by Divine Right.

What made Louis XIV an absolute monarch?

It was the "so called" Divine Right of the Monarchs.

Why did monarchs of this time believe their authority should never be questioned?

they ruled by divine right

What was the belief that the right to rule was given by god?

The belief is called the "Divine Right of Kings." This belief was used throughout the history of monarchy to provide the right of Kings not to be impeded by their subjects or court.

Divine rights of the monarchs?

The divine right theory believed by some monarchs (famously, Louis XIV and James II) was that the ruler's power was God-given and thus the monarch was only responsible to God, rather than the subjects.

The age of absolute monarchs?

The age of absolutism was 1550-1770 CE. During this time period European monarchs established absolute rule based on claims of divine right.