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Q: What is the effect of acid value on the quality of oil?
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What acid value indicates a sample is rancid?

It indicates the presence of free acid which is an indication of age and quality of the fat/oil.

Why is acid value important?

" acid value (or "neutralization number" or "acid number" or "acidity") is the mass of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in milligrams that is required to neutralize one gram of chemical substance."-wikipediaOils are made of triglycerides. During processing some amount of oil can be break down to fatty acids and glycerol s.This amount of fatty acids should be less.Every oil has a specific acid value range. It shows the amount of free acids available in oil.So it is used as a Quality parameter of a example acid value of coconut oil should be below 3mg. otherwise its consider as a poor in quality

What is the standard acid value of peanut oil?

The standard acid value of peanut/grondnut oil is about 3.5 to 4.0%

What is the purpose of checking acid value of lubricant oil?

The purpose of checking the acid value of the lubricant oil is that it determines the efficiency.

What should be the acid value of coconut oil?

The acid value of coconut oil should be approximately 1.0 - 2.0%. Coconut oil can be found in most grocery stores.

What is the formula to determine the acid value of an oil?

ACID VALUE=Normality OF KOK or NaOH*5061/w

What should be the maximum acid value of edible oil?

up to 1 mg KOH / gm of the oil

How do you determine the acid value of vegetable oil using primary standard?

Peroxide is used to determine the acid value of vegetable oil using primary standard. Oils with high degree of unsaturation are most susceptible to autoxidation.

WhAT has the greatest effect on the operating temperature of an air cooled engine?

engine oil quality/quantity

Why should an oil having large acid value should not be used as lubricating oil?

Acid attacks metal and acidic oils should be kept well away from parts requiring lubrication.

What are the uses of acid value determination?

It gives information about age of oil sample, also it signifies due to attack of atmospheric oxygen, hot moist air or microorganisms how much generation of free fatty acid has taken place leading to rancidity. Pishawikar S.A.

How is sustainable palm oil different from palm oil?

There are no differences in quality, appearance, or application. Sustainable Palm Oil is value-added, which is traceable to its source to ensure the supply chain has minimum economic environmental, and social impacts when producing the oil.