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Q: What is the effect of heat on land?
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What are the effect heat on land?

The land dries up and the crops can die.

How does the heat capacity of the ocean effect the temperature of the land?

it evaporates to weather

Does Saturn loose heat because it doesn't have any land?

No the gases that surround the planet trap heat like a green house. We call this process the green house effect.

What is the effect of moist heat on sugar?

What effect of moist heat sugar

Effect of temperature on specific heat of material?

The effect of temperature on specific heat of material is referred to as specific heat capacity.

How volcanoes have good effects on the land around them?

They have good effect because they trap the heat and when it erupts it realeases the heat so volcanoes trap heat when we need it and when its proably to cold they erupt to realease the heat to it praticly saves us if we had to much heat some people would proabably die

What are the effect of wave?

heat stroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion

How does the effect of alcohol consumed while boating compare to the effect of land?

About the same effect whether on land or out boating.

How does the effect of alcohol consumed while boating compare to the effect on land?

About the same effect whether on land or out boating.

Why do places in coastal areas have cooler climate?

Bodies of water have a modifying effect on weather. In the summer, coastal land stays cooler and in the winter, coastal areas stay warmer. This is a result of water's large heat capacity.

What is the effect of heat on beetroot?

The effect of heat on beetroot is that the membrane becomes impacted. It causes the membrane to be more permeable.

How does colour effect heat and temperature?

for me color effect heat is red..because red is a very colorful into your eyes