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Co2 thickens the atmostphere above us, and by doing this, it traps more of the heat that enters the earth. Because the layer becomes thick, the earth is not able to bounce off as much heat as it does naturally, which leads to the earth heating up, which we call global warming

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Q: What is the effect of rising CO2 levels?
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Why do rising co2 levels concern some scentist?

They theorise that the co2 levels will hinder the escape of heat radiated by the earth leading to global warming

Could you solve the problem of rising sea levels by wiping out all sea life?

Rising sea levels are not the cause of sea life. In fact, some types of plankton absorb CO2 from the water, and in turn this means that global warming is slowed, and so the ice caps don't melt so quickly, and so sea levels don't rise so much...

How are humans responsible for the rising atmospheric CO2 levels?

Humans began burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) about 250 years ago during the Industrial Revolution. Deforestation: Man also cut down the great forests of the world that absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels releases CO2 that has been buried underground for millions of years, and this extra CO2 is overloading the earth's natural carbon cycle. So levels of CO2 are rising (from around 280 parts per million to the present 340 ppm).

Why are scientists concerned about current levels of CO2?

Because CO2 levels are rising and are currently over 390 PPM, and 350 was considered to be the relatively safe number we should not exceed. I think one has to use the most modern and accurate data possible from a variety of sources none of which supports that in 1880 that CO2 was 440 ppm.With rising CO2, it could someday cause a tipping point that would cause runaway temperature rise.

Is rising carbon dioxide levels a stimulus for breathing?

yes rising CO2 level a stimulus to breathing infact respiration regulatory centers are apparantly insensitive to O2 concentration The sensitive tissue located in carotid artery, carotid labyrinth detects increased CO2 concentration and stmulates respiratory centers to induce breathing.

Related questions

What is the most important stimulus in the control of ventilation?

Rising CO2 levels.

Why do rising co2 levels concern some scentist?

They theorise that the co2 levels will hinder the escape of heat radiated by the earth leading to global warming

Is arterial pH the most powerful respiratory stimulant?

no, rising CO2 levels is.

Could you solve the problem of rising sea levels by wiping out all sea life?

Rising sea levels are not the cause of sea life. In fact, some types of plankton absorb CO2 from the water, and in turn this means that global warming is slowed, and so the ice caps don't melt so quickly, and so sea levels don't rise so much...

What is the relationship between deforestation of the rainforest the greenhouse effect and global warming?

Deforestation of the rainforests destroyed trees that used to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This allows CO2 levels to build up in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases cause the greenhouse effect, keeping the earth warm. Because of deforestation and man's burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, levels of CO2 in the air are rising, causing global warming.

What effect is the destruction of forests likely to have atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

the increased CO2 levels since the destruction of forests will be fixed by photosynthesis

What effect does rapid exhalation of CO2 during excerise have on the concentration of H2CO3 in the blood?

During exercise it has no effect. Without the exercise it would lower the CO2 (or H2CO3) levels.

Rising sea levels and changes in weather patterns are possible outcomes of what?

The greenhouse effect

Does the air have more or less carbon dioxide in it?

CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been rising since the start of the Industrial Revolution. i t depends. Note that the CO2 levels of Earth's atmosphere have varied considerably over the course of its existence. For example: CO2 levels during the Cretaceous period are estimated to have been about 6 times what they are right now.

Does the breathing control center in the brain monitor the rising CO2 levels in the blood?

Quite so. The brain stem detects high levels of carbon dioxide and triggers breathing.

Will increased co2 levels cause climate to cool?

No, in fact, the opposite will happen. Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere are producing an enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

What is the correlation of CO2 and temperature?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the more greenhouse effect we will get. The greenhouse effect is when our atmosphere reflects heat trying to leave Earth back to it. We need some of this heat back, but if we get too much of the greenhouse effect, global temperatures will keep rising higher and higher.