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If a hydrocarbon has a triple carbon bond, it is an alkyne and ends with -yne. It has the formula CnH2n-2.

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Q: What is the ending if a hydrocarbon has only triple bonds?
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Why are some organic compound known as saturated hydrocarbons?

A saturated hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon which has no double or triple bonds associated with it. In other words, it is a hydrocarbon which contains only single bonds.

How are unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbon different?

Saturated hydrocarbon cannot bond with compounds anymore, where as unsaturated hydrocarbons can bond, as they contain double or triple bonds. When they bond, the double and triple bonds break and new separate single bonds are formed with hydrogens or any other external compounds.

What is actively unsaturated hydrocarbon?

Hydrocarbon is a compound. Unsaturated hydrocarbon refers to the hydrocarbon containing at the least, a double or triple bond. Acetic acid is an example of a hydrocarbon.

Why is ethene regarded as unsaturated hydrocarbon?

As ethene contains double bond it is considered as unsaturated hydrocarbon. Note-hydrocarbon is said to saturated when it contain C-C single bond and hydrocarbon is said to unsaturated when it has carbon carbon double or triple bonds

What is an example of alkane?

methane, ethane, propane, hexane .... these are some of the famous alkanes

Why this hydrocarbon is an alkane?

Saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula: CnH2n+2.

Why must unsaturated hydrocarbons have a minimum of two carbons?

The name hydrocarbon means that the only elements in the compound are hydrogen and carbon. Unsaturated means there are double or triple bonds in the compound. Hydrogen atoms cannot form double or triple bonds, but two carbon atoms can. Thus unsaturated hydrocarbons must have a minimum of two carbon atoms.

What name is given to the hydrocarbon molecule with only two carbon atoms and single bonds?

my but hole

Is O3 a triple bond?

Oxygen likes to form single or double bonds. However it does form a triple bond in the case of CO (That is the only triple bond occurance to my knowledge)

Are Pi bonds always found in single bonds?

no, pi bonds are only found in double and triple bonds. Sigma bonds are the ones in single bonds.

Does nitrogen form single bonds only?

No; nitrogen can form single, double, or triple bonds.

Do alkanes have double or single bonds?

An Alkene is a type of hydrocarbon that has at least one double bond. An Alkane is triple bond, because the bond is made up of five different elements. When this is created two of the weaker elements are destroyed (sulphur, magnesium) which corresponds with the answer.