

What is the energy of wavelength 800nm?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is the energy of wavelength 800nm?
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What is the wavelength for visible light?

The wavelength for visible light is between 400-800nm Range. nm: Nano Meter (0.000000001 or 1/1000000000 of Meter)

What is the wavelength of violet color?

Purple is a mixture of the colors red and blue.

What is the peak at 800nm in fluorescence spectroscopy?

The peak at 800nm in fluorescence spectroscopy is typically associated with the emission of fluorescence from a sample. At this wavelength, the sample emits light as a result of excitation by a specific wavelength, usually in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The shape, intensity, and position of the peak can provide insights into the characteristics of the sample, such as its structure, composition, or interactions with other molecules.

What do colors have to do with visible light?

The visible light contains wave lenghts from 200nm to 800nm. 200 nm corresponds with the violet/blue colour and 800nm and around corresponds with red colour. Above 800nm wave lenght of the light is called infrared and below 200nm - ultraviolet. The shortest the lenght, the higher the energy. After ultraviolet we have radio waves, micro waves, X-rays, etc.

What happens to a wavelength if no energy is supplied to it?

without energy there cannot be a wavelength.

What does the wavelength of an EM wave tell about its energy?

The shorter the wavelength of a wave, the higher its energy.

How are the energy and wavelength radiation related?

Energy and wavelength are related by Planck's Energy formula E = hf = hc/w where w is the wavelength.

How does the energy associated with waves change wavelength changes?

a shorter wavelength means lower energy. A shorter wavelength means high energy

What does a wavelength carry?

A wavelength carry energy. Strictly speaking, a wave carries energy. A wavelength is a property of a wave.

What does the wavelength of an em tell about it's energy?

As the wavelength decreases, the energy increases.

When wavelength increases frequency and energy do what?

Frequency and energy decrease as wavelength increases.

How are energy and wavelength of electromagnet radiation related?

The greater the energy the shorter the wavelength.