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sonic boom

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Q: What is the enormous audible thunderclap that follows an aircraft as it goes through the sound barrier called?
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What is The enormous audible thunderclap that follows an aircraft as it goes through the sound barrier is called a .?

Sonic boom.

When The enormous audible thunderclap that follows an aircraft as it goes through the sound barrier is called a .?

a sonic boom

Can you break the sound barrier on fs2004?

Yes, depending on which aircraft you have but there is no indication that you have broken the sound barrier unfortunately.

Are jets aircraft?

Aircraft that can break the sound barrier, yes they are jets. Aircraft are jets if they are powered by jet engines, as opposed to piston engines which have propellers.

Who was the first person to cross the sonic barrier and when did he do it?

Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in 1947 flying the experimental X-1 aircraft.

Does a supersonic aircraft make a sonic boom only when it cracks the sounds barrier?


What planes break the sound barrier?

Concorde breaks the sound barrier at 2.02mach Super sonic aircraft break the sound barier. They used the plane x-1

What is the popular name of the shockwave that occurs when an aircraft flies faster than the speed of sound?

the sound barrier

When was the first breaking of the sound barrier?

The first breaking of the sound barrier was during World War 2. One can find more information from Wikipedia. By 1950s, new aircraft broke the sound barrier.

What is a supersonic aircraft?

Supersonic aircraft are those that can exceed the sound barrier. I.e. Concorde was capable of this. Any craft that can exceed 1 to 5 times the speed of sound falls in this category.

Can f16 break the sound barrier?

No because in order for that to happen it would have to be supersonic. Answer: Yes. The F-16 is a supersonic aircraft.

Does a sonic boom occur at the moment when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound?

yes. a sonic boom occurs when the aircraft breaks the sound barrier and all the time it is going faster than the speed of sound.