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Q: What is the example for foreshadowing in flowers for algernon towards the end of the story?
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In the book flowers for algernon what changes become apparent in charlie attitude immediately after the operation?

He begins to have opinion, such as his feelings towards Algernon. He said, "I hate that mouse," and before the surgery he didn't really have any feeling for him. Also, he begins to get impatient, and learns how the inkblot tests work.

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What is foreshadowing in the short story karma?

In the short story "Karma," foreshadowing is used to hint at future events or outcomes. For example, the mention of the protagonist's resentment towards his boss early on foreshadows conflict between the two characters later in the story. Foreshadowing helps build tension and anticipation for the reader as the narrative unfolds.

Which of the following excerpts from The Most Dangerous Game is not an example of foreshadowing?

The excerpt "The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island'" is not an example of foreshadowing because it provides direct information about the island's name and does not hint at any future events or outcomes.

What is the foreshadowing for the story unwind?

In the story "Unwind" by Neal Shusterman, foreshadowing is seen through subtle hints of the grim future and the ominous nature of the authorities. For example, the introduction of the "unwinding" process early on in the story hints at the dark and unsettling fate awaiting the characters. Additionally, the oppressive government control and indifference towards human life serve as foreshadowing for the challenging and morally complex situations the characters will face.

What does his decision to lie reveal about his attitude toward Algernon?

His decision to lie reveals that he values maintaining appearances and avoiding uncomfortable truths over honesty and integrity in his relationship with Algernon. It indicates a lack of trust or respect for Algernon's ability to handle the truth, and a desire to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

What is an example in a literary device in bud not buddy?

An example of a literary device in "Bud, Not Buddy" is foreshadowing, when Bud's mother leaves clues for him before she passes away, guiding him towards his father. This helps build tension and suspense as readers anticipate how Bud will uncover the truth about his family.

Can you find me a foreshadowing from the novel the outsider?

In "The Outsider" by Albert Camus, one example of foreshadowing is when Meursault mentions feeling as if he is watching his own life from a distance, suggesting a disconnect from his actions and the reality of his situation. This foreshadows his sense of detachment and indifference towards the events that unfold later in the story.

What is the conflict for flowers for algernon?

At the end of the novel the dramatic irony is folded over, becomes part of the character's own assessment of himself. He researches his own condition and discovers that he will regress, incurably; he writes a paper on his condition at the peak of his powers, then finds himself unable to understand it, in an agony the whole way.

How are flowers that has a nasty odor pollinated?

by the wind moving towards it

What is the difference between phototropism and geotropism?

Phototropism - towards light. Think plants, flowers, leaves. They generally turn towards light.Geotropism - towards the earth. Go figure.Hydrotropism - towards water or towards moisture.

How does charlies personality change as his intelligence increases in flowers for Algernon?

As Charlie's intelligence increases Charlie becomes more optimistic and brave while also being a little selfish & self-centered. His intelligence is now letting him take notice of those around him and how they acted towards him and he doesn't like it. He also learned to persevere ; to keep trying to be smart.