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Q: What is the exposure time for a camera?
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What is auto exposure?

Well.. Exposure is how long the camera takes to take a picture. A long exposure time gets a better and higher quality image when the camera is still. A short exposure is when the camera may move or something in the picture may move. So to keep it from blurring the camera captures an image for a fraction of a second. Auto exposure does this automatically analysing whats happening in the picture to create the best of both worlds basically.

Is Camera Exposure caused because light is a wave?

The exposure is controlled by the camera's light meter

How would a three-hour time exposure photograph of stars in the northern sky appear if earth is not rotating?

This answer depends on the location of the camera taking the picture. If the camera is on the ground, then the exposure would come out clearer if the camera was not mounted on a system that could automatically move the lens. If the camera was in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) it wouldn't matter if the earth was rotating.

What is the process of light painting?

In order to light paint, one must have a camera that has a setting to set exposure time. Then a light source must be used on a long exposure picture.

The desert light is so bright what is the best way to photograph the desert with a digital camera for the layperson?

Whenever taking a photo try to put the sun directly behind you so that it is lighting up the target. Also your camera may have a setting that will change the exposure time for the picture, limit the exposure time to remove excess light.

What does EV mean on a digital camera?

it means "Exposure Value".

What is the meaning of the word 'Triangle exposure'?

The "exposure triangle" in photography applies to the balancing of three controls available to the camera user : aperture, exposure, and film speed. Aperture setting governs the light received, exposure the total light over time, and film speed the resultant image recorded from that light.

What is the purpose of a preview button on an SLR camera?

to allow you to check the exposure.

Who invented the auto exposure still camera?

József Mihályi in 1938.

What would exposure compensation on a digital camera be used for?

ammount of light?

What Types of termination of exposure to X-ray?

Automatic exposure time electronic exposure time mechanical exposure time

Experimental of light painting in digital photography?

For basic light painting experimentation, you need to basically have three things:A camera where you can control the exposure time.A light source which is not very bright (a laser pointer for example, or an LED).A dark space.Follow these steps:Setup the camera so that it has a longer exposure time (such as 5 seconds).Place the camera in a way so that it looks at a flat surface (such as a wall).Turn off the light.Click the camera to start the exposure.Now project your light on the wall, and have fun making shapes with it.Once the exposure is completed, you should see what you projected on the wall in the shot.