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This operator (>>) applied to an input stream is known as extraction operator. It performs an input operation on a stream generally involving some sort of interpretation of the data (like translating a sequence of numerical characters to a value of a given numerical type).

Three groups of member functions and one group of global functions overload this "extraction operator" (>>) applied to istream objects:

  • The first group of member functions are arithmetic extractors. These read characters from the input data, and parse them to interpret them as a value of the specific type of its parameter. The resulting value is stored in the variable passed as parameter.
  • The streambuf version copies as many characters as possible to the stream buffer object used as right-hand parameter, either until an error happens or until there are no more characters to copy.
  • Those in the last group of member functions have a pointer to a function as parameter. These are designed to be used with manipulator functions.

    Manipulator functions are functions specifically designed to be easily used with this operator.

  • The global functions overload the operator when the parameter is either a character or a c-string, and, as expected they extract either one character or a sequence of characters from the input stream.
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The this operator in C++ is a compiler generated pointer to the instance of an object, accessible from within a method of that object.

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Q: What is the extraction operators in C plus plus?
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No, they are functions. Operators are -> or ++or /=

What is stream operator in c plus plus?

There are two stream operators: << (insert or put) and >> (extract or get). Output streams implement the insertion operator, input streams implement the extraction operator and input/output streams implement both operators.

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None of them. To control the formatting of your classes, you must overload the stream insertion and extraction operators.

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Are very useful. Examples: & | ^ ~

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The C standard library IO facilities are not extensible. For instance, the printf() and scanf() functions cannot handle user-defined types. However, the C++ standard library provides IO streams with insertion and extraction operators (<< and >>) that can be overloaded to support any user-defined type.

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They mostly deal with pointers and new operators in memory.

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Use the comparison operators (==, <, <=, >, >=). All primitives (including char and int) support these built-in operators.

Compare java arithmetic and logic operators with c arithmetic and logical operators?

They are very similar,but when we do logic operators there are still some differences.In c or c plus plus ,logic true can be expressed as'true' or '0',but in java,true is just 'true'.If you gave a zero,it will treat it as type of integer ,and so as false.

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The only "special" operators in C++ are those that cannot be overloaded. That is; the dot member operator (.), pointer to member operator (.*), ternary conditional operator (:?), scope resolution operator (::), sizeof() and typeof().

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