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Q: What is the fear of not being tan enough?
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What is atelphobia?

the fear of not being good enough.

What phobia is the fear of not enough food?

being not hungry!

What phobia is the fear of not being good enough?

The not good enough phobia. It is a self esteem issue Atelphobia is the closest thing I can think of, which is the fear of imperfection.

Is 20c hot enough to tan?

for tan you dick yes

What phobia is the fear of trusting people?

Pistanthrophobia. [Piss-tan-throw-foe-bee-uh]

What could you do if you wanted a divorce but the fear of being alone wouldn't let you go through with it?

Which is stronger? The fear of being alone or the need to be divorced? If you are not willing to go through with it because of your fear, then you don't want it bad enough.

Is it warm enough to lay out and get a tan at orange Beach at the end of March?

No. In march you won't get a tan. You will get a green.

Fear of being in the dark?

The fear of being in the dark is Lygophobia. The fear of dark or night is Nyctophobia.

What is the fear of being hurt?

Algophobia is the fear of feeling or being in pain.

What is the fear of being happy?

The fear of being happy is called cherophobia.

What blocks love from being expressed in you?

Answer Fear. Fear of rejection, fear of getting hurt. Love is a very powerful emotion. When you love someone enough you take that chance. Fear holds back many people from many things, many wonderful things. Do not let fear of love rob you of something wonderful.

What is the phobia term for the fear of being confused?

There does not appear to be a phobia term for the fear of being confused. However, phobophobia is the fear of being afraid.