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Q: What is the federal regulatory basis for safety and helath requirements in army workplaces?
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What happened if you drink irradiated water?

you get helath

Which is bad for your helath is it mms or strawberries?


What qualities do health visitors have?

they are really noisy and they are twats i hate the helath vistor

How do I get health insurance for a small business?

You tell the helath insurance company that you would like a corporate plan.

Will intake of sperms through mouth cause any helath problems?

No. There is always a danger of STD if either party is infected.

Would a major in health science be more helpful to become an obtetrician or a biology major?

After looking at several course requirements for Helath Science Programs, I believe it would be a very helpful major if you are planning to continue your education and become a physician or other health care professional. As far as I know it does not offer credentials of it's own so teaching may be a problem.

How can you help your son who is addicted to oxycodone without money or helath insurance?

Well, none of the answers are pleasant. With his permission, you may lock him in a room, and feed him until he detoxes.

Are nutrition diets for runners available for free online?

Yes. Try out and helath site or runner's site they all have diets available nowadays. training training tips.

Why is processed food not good for ones helath?

It's high in sodium, which can increase blood pressure. High blood pressure, in turn, can cause multiple diffuse issues throughout the body.

Why is helath and wellness important for seniors?

Health is wealth is the old quotation. Health is good then you live long. Our author gives suggestion on the SENIORSTODAY portal website. This is specially made for senior citizens. Visit:

Why has Asia become the number one source of all immigrants to Canada?

because there cultrul must of have changed so which ment that they dint like it and moved to canada maybe for better life style or tax or helath care.

Is it ok for 13 yr boy to do the gym treadmill?

yes actually. im 12 and ive done the tread mill many times. and i didn't seem to have any helath problems. so in my opinoin, its completely ok. its harmless.