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Have the person get out of the elements and into a cool area. Have the person sip water gulping can cause the person to go into shock and that wouldn't be good. Dehydration means there is not enough water in the body for it to keep it self cool. If the person is sweating for no reason or not sweating enough during activity they are most likely dehydrated. Also their pee will be very dark because all the water if there is any is being used up.

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It is important for you to make sure that you are not putting yourself in any danger by treating the patient. Remember that if it was cold enough for the patient to get hypothermia, you or any potential rescuers could get it too. Remain alert and look after your fellow rescuers at all times.

Once you have established that you and others around you are not in any immediate danger, your priority is to isolate the environment that is causing the hypothermia. For example, if you are in the water, get out.

Before proceeding any further, let us look at the signs and symptoms of hypothermia. The patient may have a combination of any of the following

1. Shivering

2. Exhaustion

3. Confusion and memory loss

4. Unusual speech (usually slurred and incoherent)

5. Fatigue and loss of motor control

If the patient shows any combination of the aforementioned symptoms, assume that they have hypothermia.

The first aid treatment for hypothermia is fairly straightforward. If the patient is wearing any wet clothing, remove these and replace with an insulated material.

DO NOT immerse the patient in a hot blood. Doing so will tell the body that the body is warm when in fact only the extremities are.

DO NOT give alcohol for the patient to consume.

DO NOT apply direct heat to the patients body.

DO NOT massage or rub the patient. This has a similar effect to putting someone in a hot bath. The patient may also be suffering from frostbite and rubbing the skin can worsen this.

If the patient shows signs of serious hypothermia, seek urgent medical attention. Call 111 for an ambulance (in New Zealand) and describe your situation.

To summarise, the treatment for hypothermia is environmental isolation, warmth and medical attention.

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How should hypothermia victims?

With medical treatment

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What is the meaning first aider?

A First Aid is just the person that gives the FIRST aid. The treatment that is initially received. First aid could be just applying a bandage.

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How should hypothermia victims be treated?

With medical treatment