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Q: What is the first portion of the stomach that food enters in?
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What is the cardiac portion of the stomach?

The cardiac portion of the stomach stores the ingested food.

When partially digested food leaves the stomach it next enters the?

it first passes through the duodenum

Which comes first on the grasshopper the small intestine or large intestine?

Food enters the small intestine first. It enters the duodenum in the small intestine.

After the food is processed in the stomach of a frog the food enters where?

the small intestine

What area of the stomach does the bolus of food first enter?

On my computer it shows that someone put this answer in reponse to the question: "Pretty sure it's the Cardiac Region, but I'm not 100% sure....."The bolus of food does indeed move from the esophagus and passes through the cardiac sphincter, which allows passage into the stomach. However there are three portions of the stomach: the upper portion called the fundus, the body of the stomach and the part nearest the small intestine called the pylorus. Hence, the area of the stomach the bolus of food first enters into is the fundus.

What is th term used for food that enters the stomach?


What happens to food before it enters your stomach?

Once food enters your mouth, saliva begins to break it down. When you swallow, the food moves down your esophagus to your stomach. The act of swallowing is also called deglutition.

What happen when enzymes from the stomach enters the small intestine?

food will be absorbed

What is happening to the food inside the stomach?

Your food enters through your mouth and you start chemically and mechanically breaking down your food. Then your food goes down your esophagus with peristalsis. When your food enters your stomach, it is again chemically and mechanically digested. Then your food goes down your small intestine where the minerals and nutrients are taken out. When your food enters the large intestine the water is taken from it. Then it exits out of your anus.

What do chemicals in the stomach do?

the chemicals in the stomach are there to break down the food that enters, there are certain chemicals that stop the acid in the stomach burning the stomach walls and infecting your body.

How does food travel through the esophagus?

stomach- small intestine- large instestine

How do nutrients from food get to the organs?

Once the food enters the stomach, acids come in and absorb those nutrients and bring them to the organs