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The first spaceship to do a soft landing on the moon was part of the Apollo Space program. The spaceship was not manned and did not have a name. This was in 1967.

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it was Luna 9

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Q: What is the first spaceship to make a soft landing on the moon?
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What was the first spaceship to make a soft landing on the moon?

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Which spacecraft made the first soft landing on the moon?

The first spacecraft to make a soft landing on the moon was the surveyor 1 spacecraft in 1966.

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The first landing by man on the moon, was made at the Tranquility Base.

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No, Luna 3 did not land on the moon.

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The spacecraft used to land on the moon by man was the lunar module. The Eagle!

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There was no moon landing in 1994, the final moon landing occurred in December, 1972.

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It was the first landing, moon walk. fitst call from president to the astronauts on the moon.

When was the first moon landing by space probe?

On February 3rd, 1966 the Soviet unmanned spacecraft Luna 9 was the first man-made probe to make a soft landing on the moon.

Why was the first landing on the moon called Apollo?

they just make up a name