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Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)?

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Q: What is the form of energy temporarily stored during tissue respiration before it is used by muscles?
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What gets built up in your muscles during anaerobic respiration?

lactic acid

What do humans produce during anaerobic respiration that harms muscles?

lactic acid

During a race how do your muscles produce ATP after the store of ATP in muscles is used?

muscle cells produce ATP by cellular respiration through fermentation

What does it mean when your muscles dilate?

During exercise your muscles need more energy from respiration in order to contract. So your heart beats faster and the arteries supplying the muscles dilate (widen)

How would you describe the normal respiration?


What happen before acetyl CoA can be formed during respiration?


What must happen before acetyl can be formed during respiration?


Why do muscles get tired during anaerobic respiration?

When muscle cells undergo anaerobic respiration they become fatigued and painful due to the buildup of pyruvate in cells. The pyruvate is converted to lactic acid.

What products are formed during respiration in your muscles when there is less supply of oxygen?

Lactic Acid I know only one, there might be more.

Use of accessory muscles in emphysema?

The accessory muscles of respiration are the sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, serratus anterior, pectoralis major and minor, upper trapezius, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae (thoracic), iliocostalis lumborum, quadratus lumborum, serratus posterior superior and inferior, levatores costarum, transversus thoracis, and subclavius. The diaphragm is the main muscle of respiration (normal/relaxed breathing), assisted by the intercostals. No accessory muscles should be recruited during normal respiration unless there is a respiratory disorder. During quiet inspiration, the diaphragm and intercostals are activated. During quiet expiration, the inspiratory muscles relax and the elastic recoil of the lung tissue combined with intrathoracic pressure causes air to be pushed out of the lungs. There is little or no respiratory activity of the abdominals. When increased oxygen is required during physical activity e.g. when running, accessory muscles will activate to assist forced respiration.

What is the muscle that enables respiration to occur?

There are number of muscles which work together during respiration. The major muscles to look at: 1.diaphragm and transversus abdominus, which will enable you to inhale and exhale 2.intercostal Muscles and transversus thoracic, which are responsible for both inhalation and exhalation, but are also maintaining the structure of your lung and your thorax and preventing it from collapsing on itself.

What does Cellular respiration need?

Oxygen and a source of Fuel/Energy, and a Cell. "Lactic Acid Burn", that occurs to overworked muscles, occurs during Respiration that takes place without enough oxygen at the time.