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Ping is a program that sends a series of packets over a network or the internet to a specific computer in order to generate a response from that computer. The other computer responds with an acknowledgment that it received the packets. Ping was created to verify whether a specific computer on a network or the Internet exists, and is connected.

Some have claimed that the word "ping" is actually an acronym for "Packet Internet (or Inter-Network) Groper", deliberately contrived to play on the fact that pinging with a computer is similar to what submariners do with sonar. Both the computer and the submarine's sonar send out a "ping", in the form of either a series of packets or a brief burst of sound. The ping "bounces" off the target and then returns to let you know the target is there.

Ping is both a noun and a verb, e.g., "Ping that computer", or "the router didn't return a ping".

Ping is built into almost every network-capable operating system.

It is often believed that "Ping" is an abbreviation for Packet Internet Groper, but Ping's author has stated that the names comes from the sound that a sonar makes.

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